echeveria agavoides varieties

The species name “agavoides” was inspired by this plant’s agave-like appearance. Echeveria Green Gilva . Echeveria varieties change regularly. Echeveria agavoides is a variable plant; some forms have reddish tips and some forms have slightly red to very red margins. Der Blick von oben in die Blattrosetten der Echeverien ist besonders spektakulär. Beide Varianten schützen die Pflanze vor direkter Sonneneinstrahlung. Gießen Sie es nicht direkt in die Blattrosette, sondern nur in das umgebende Substrat. Succulent Varieties . Some varieties with bright light have reddish (or bronze) tips and some forms have slightly red to very red margins. Echeveria Miranda. The rosette grows up to 5 inches (12.5 cm) tall and up to 8 inches (20 cm) in diameter. Grows red flowers. In late winter into spring appear the reddish pink flowers with yellow tips. Scientific Name: Echeveria ‘Compton Carousel’. This species can be characterized by a rounded green rosette, having a tint of silvery hues. Genus Echeveria can be evergreen succulent perennials or subshrubs with rosettes of colourful, fleshy leaves and racemes or panicles of urn-shaped flowers Details E. agavoides is a rosette-forming evergreen succulent with triangular-ovate, pale green leaves margined with red; flowers lantern-shaped, red with yellow tips, in one-sided racemes to 40cm in height The tradeoff for so much color is that Echeveria succulents require a substantial amount of sunlight. This Echeveria type can be characterized by the lots of tiny hair present on its leaves. Height 12cm; Echeveria elegans – Large silver leaves that look they are covered in soft down. This Echeveria produces offsets very freely, which hug the mother rosette, adding to its appeal. Tipp: Sie erkennen, dass Sie Ihre Echeverie zu viel gegossen haben, wenn ihre Blätter an Farbe verlieren und verblassen. For best results grow Echeveria agavoides in a well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. In May and June red, lantern-shaped flowers with yellow tips on tall stems. stem from thick-leaved rosettes. Echeveria Ebony. This echeveria has a soothing salmon color with magenta leaf tips. Im Winter hat sie es mit Temperaturen von maximal 15 Grad Celsius gerne etwas kühler, darf aber nie Frost ausgesetzt werden. ~Seed Germination~ I provide easy to understand germination instructions with all my seeds. It turns purple and pink under direct sunlight. They can be found with different shades, garnets, reds, burgundy, etc. It grows bell-shaped orange flowers in mid-summer. It grows 8 inches tall and 12 inches wide. Echeveria agavoides 'Romeo' Gorgeous Dark Red Foliage. The rosettes of Echeveria Cana form small columns upon maturity. Plant Care. Echeveria Black Prince. Es werden in der Regel etwa 20 Blätter ausgebildet, die dreieckig geformt sind und vorne spitz zusammenlaufen. Scientific Name: Echeveria ‘Melaco Brown Rose’. Nom : Succulentes, parfois appelées plantes grasses Les succulentesne correspondent pas à une famille botanique en particulier. We have over 50 individual varieties of Echeveria plants for sale. Many of the 150 recognized species have been crossed to make new cultivars, of which there are well over a thousand. Today. Echeveria colorata. The inflorescences in summer appear on slender, single-sided cymes up to 20 inches (50 cm) long. Echeveria agavoides ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der Echeverien (Echeveria) in der Familie der Dickblattgewächse (Crassulaceae). All of our plants are grown under the same conditions, although not all the plants are the same. You Might Like. If you desire a rosette succulent with a-lot of color to brighten up a home or yard an Echeveria purchase is perfect for you. It’s native to areas of Mexico. Agaveral echeveria (agavoides) Agaveral echeveria is bush evergreen. Echeveria agavoides Christmas. It attains a beautiful pink shade when kept in the sun. Echevarias have been collected from 1800’s, therefore hundreds of cultivars are in trade today Echeveria require very good light and a cool rest period for optimal growth. Provide a well-drained soil away from reflected heat. It produces large rosettes with glaucous leaves that has a powder blue shade. Perfect for a sunny window. Echeveria varieties to grow. Originally from Mexico, Echeveria agavoides has proven a popular choice for rock gardens. Die verschiedenen Arten unterscheiden sich in Form, Größe, Aussehen und Farbe. Native to rocky area of Mexico. Echeveria ‘Bittersweet’ shows off a short stem with a rosette of light, mahogany-red leaves with undulated edges. It can be identified by its green-fuzzy rosette that looks quite astonishing! So bleiben keine Rückstände an der Pflanze, die unter Umständen anfangen könnten zu faulen. The plant produces pink-yellow flowers in summer. Weight: 0.01 lbs: Quantity: 10, 25, 50, 100, 250. Echeveria Agavoides | Lipstick Echeveria Succulent Seeds. Echeveria Agavoides Sirius - 20 seeds. Seasonal. It grows flowers in urn shape. Water every 2–3 weeks. See more ideas about Echeveria, Succulents, Planting succulents. Echeveria agavoides – pale-green leaves with red tip. Growing Echeveria can be super rewarding if you follow a few basic principals and rules.They are not very demanding succulents but reward your care efforts with spectacular blooms. The flowers are pink, orange or red, the petals tipped with dark yellow. Geben Sie Echeverien ganzjährig einen sehr hellen bis sonnigen Standort; im Sommer können Sie sie auch an einen geschützten, warmen Platz im Freien stellen. Plants Ship Free, Always! All Rights Reserved. Echeveria 'Black Prince', commonly referred to as black hens and chicks, is a slow-growing hybrid variety of Echeveria characterized by dark purple-brown, triangular leaves. How To Propagate Echeveria Agavoides. This species can be distinguished by its solitary green rosette. Echeveria ‘Agavoides’ How to Propagate Echeveria. You will receive a similar plant in size and shape to the ones in the pictures. And, for your help here're the 15 Brilliant Vertical Indoor Garden Ideas, by... © 2020 Balcony Garden Web | All rights reserved, How to Make a Balcony Herb Garden | Complete Tutorial, 10 Indoor Plants that Reduce Respiratory Problems, 40+ Christmas Decoration with Plants Ideas on Instagram, 5 Vegetables You Can Harvest Indoors Year Round, 21 Beautiful Indoor Fruit Tree Pictures for Inspiration, 18 Plant Headboard Ideas for Ultimate Houseplant Lovers, Create a Tropical Garden Oasis in a Balcony With These Ideas, 8 Eye Catching Polka Dot Print Houseplants. Echeveria Canadian. Echeveria species Echeveria agavoides Name Synonyms Cotyledon agavoides (Lem.) Ein Umtopfen ist bei der Echeverie nur etwa alle zwei Jahre nötig, wenn der Topf zu klein oder das Substrat verbraucht ist. It turns red or pink in bright light and cold weather. prolifera, Huntington Gardens Echeveria agavoides , or lipstick echeveria, is a species of flowering plant in the family Crassulaceae , native to rocky areas of Mexico, notably the states of San Luis Potosí, Hidalgo, Guanajuato and Durango. Sonst entsteht schnell Schimmel oder Fäulnis in den Blattachseln. Echeveria Lilacina. Scientific Name: Echeveria ‘colorata f. lindsayana’. Height 50cm ; Echeveria ‘Blue Frills’ – frilled, blue, green foliage with a pink edge. It has mid-green leaves with beautiful reddish-pink marking on the tips and margins. It forms clusters of tight rosettes of fleshy, gray-green leaves that have vivid red edges most pronounced toward the dark red terminal spine. Growing Conditions Light: Full sun. Echeveria varieties change regularly. If Echeveria agavoides is looking dull, give it fertilizer that is diluted with water to reduce it to half-strength. Echeveria agavoides bears pointy green leaves playfully tipped in red. Verwelkte oder vertrocknete Teile können und sollten jedoch entfernt werden. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Use the tools below to identify the succulent varieties in your collection and plan your next addition! Most echeverias that are cabbage-like, ruffled, crinkly or bumpy are hybrids (names shown in single quotes). This charming fast-growing Echeveria is a hardy that features a light silver-green, curvy, slightly upward leaves. Compton Carousel can be identified by its cream-colored leaves with green centers. Echeveria agavoides 'Miranda' is a stunning succulent plant with a compact, attractive rosette of mid-green leaves with really nice reddish-pink marking on the tips and margins. What makes succulents so popular is their ease of growing and stylish appearance. Identify the Variety. Diese ist von außen nicht sichtbar, sondern dicht mit den rosettenartig angeordneten Blättern besetzt. Your Cart Continue Shopping. Das macht die Echeverie zum idealen Pflanzenschmuck für Workaholics und Leute, die beruflich oder privat viel unterwegs sind. Without a good place to overwinter them, sadly I've lost many of them, but luckily I took lots of pictures of them for you to enjoy. Often the leaves are colored and a firm touch can mar the skin and leave marks. This extraordinary Echeveria variety features droplet-like globular bumps near the tips of light-green leaves with red margins. In der Regel füllen sich die Töpfe nach und nach mit Tochterrosetten, bis die Erde komplett bedeckt ist. They are upturned and pointy, forming a symmetrical shape. Extraordinarily eye-catching, Echeveria agavoides 'Lipstick' is a small evergreen succulent forming crisp rosettes of fleshy, sharp-pointed, bright green leaves adorned with vibrant crimson margins. Par exemple, on retrouve des succulentes dans la famille des Liliacées, la même famille que le lys. Echeveria agavoides is one of the very popular groups of succulents, the name “agavoides” simply means looks like an agave. The Echeveria Agavoides is versatile enough as they adapt to different ranges of the environment. In particular, the states of San Luis Potosí, Hidalgo, Guanajuato and Durango. The … Pinterest. The flowers are pinkish-red with petals tipped with dark yellow. Echeveria agavoides 'Aquamarine' is a clone of Echeveria agavoides 'Corderoyi' produced in the laboratory by using the tissue culture process. Echeveria agavoides ‘Miranda’ is an attractive, compact, rosette-forming succulent plant. Die Blattränder sind zuweilen rötlich gefärbt; die Bätter selbst sind grün und dickfleischig. Echeveria 'Chroma'. Echeveria varieties to grow. Scientific Name:Echeveria ‘Perle von Nürnberg’. Echeverias are one of the most attractive succulents, coming in many shapes and colors Native to mountainous ranges of Central and South America the species have nearly 150 recognized types that can make it hard for you to select the best one. Scientific Name: Echeveria ‘Neon Breakers’. It grows orange, bell-shaped flowers in summer. Die Mexikanerin verlangt mäßig nährstoffreiche, aber gut durchlässige mineralische Erde mit einem pH-Wert von 5,5 bis 7. You Might Like. Even the species itself is variable, and the varieties available even more so. Scientific Name: Echeveria ‘Black Prince’. Echeveria agavoides f. cristata hort. Bright direct to indirect light. It has very compact rosette with slightly cupped leaves that are glaucous green with rose margins and tips. Also known as the ‘Wax Agave’ and ‘Lipstick Echeveria’. Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Echeveria agavoides group. Echeveria agavoides ‘Red Tip’ features sharply pointed, fleshy succulent leaves with vivid red margins growing in a rosette. Today we are going to look at Echeveria varieties and how to care for these wonderful succulents. Echeveria agavoides – pale-green leaves with red tip. Sie zeigen sich von etwa März bis Juni. Die Blüten sind rosa bis gelblich orangerot und hängen glockenförmig über. Our plants are hand-picked and … The inflorescences in summer appear on slender, single-sided cymes up to 50 cm (20 in) long. Today more and more species of plants are being created by hybridization. Zudem (leider) auch Exemplare mit künstlich eingefärbten Blättern in Schwarz oder Pink. Echeveria Blue Prince. Echeveria Black Prince. Echeveria agavoides 'Maria' Echeveria imbricata. The green, pink, and red colored triangular leaves form a perfect rosette. Water every 2–3 weeks. In summer it produces a tall bloom stalk from which dangle yellow, bell-shaped flowers. It is a compact type that forms a clumped rosette. Most will tolerate shade and some frost, although hybrids tend to be less tolerant. While they both look alike with their pretty fleshy rosettes, there are major differences. Eine Aussaat ist nicht bei allen Sorten möglich, da manche keinen fertilen Samen ausbilden. Plaudereien über Zimmerpflanzen und andere schöne Dinge des ... Zimmerpflanzen Fotos ,eigene Erfahrungen , Pflegetipps ..... Hilfe, winzige Fliegen in der Erde der Zimmerpflanzen. See more ideas about Echeveria, Succulents, Plants. Danach können Sie den Steckling direkt in ein Torf-Sand-Gemisch setzen. Poelln. Die beliebte und äußerst pflegeleichte Zimmerpflanze verfügt über sehr schöne Blätter, die zu einer hübschen Blattrosette angeordnet sind – und muss kaum gegossen werden. Members of the Crassulaceae family, their care is similar to sedum and kalanchoe succulents. Most Echeveria will remain fairly small (a few inches to a foot across), but some species will grow to small shrub-like plants of 2 feet. Jun 24, 2015 - 罗密欧出黑爪了! Stay safe and healthy. It features frosty lime-green rosettes of stout leaves. In spring and early summer, red, lantern-shaped flowers with yellow tips appear on tall stems. Another famous hybrid variety of Echeveria that forms purple rosette with pink edges. Scientific Classification. Der Blütenstiel selbst kann bis zu drei Zentimeter lang werden und überragt die Blätter. Echeveria Agavoides Sp. Die Pflanze sollte nicht zu tief in das Substrat eingesetzt werden. Echeveria agavoides has been used as a parent to produce lots of very beautiful forms - Echeveria agavoides 'Romeo' tops the lot for the incredible dark burgundy foliage. Fertilizer is best given during the spring and summer months. Echeveria Agavoides Sp. glauca. Weight: 0.01 lbs: Quantity: 10, 25, 50, 100, 250. Details on Echeveria Plants. Regular price 5.99 USD Sale Add to cart ... "looking like an agave". Still a pretty clone! The genus of Echeveria has nearly 200 species, and new discoveries are still ongoing. Pet friendly. Echeveria Agavoides (This plant comes in a 3.5 inch pot. Native to rocky area of Mexico. In summer, the inflorescences appear on slender, single-sided cymes up to 20 inches long. Echeveria ‘Melaco Brown Rose’ features green leaves with a tint of copper red, and forms a “molasses” rosette. Best Echeveria Types. Das Artepitheton agavoides leitet sich vom griechischen Suffix-oides für ‚ähneln‘ sowie der Gattung Agave ab und verweist auf das Erscheinungsbild der Art. This fast-growing succulent does well only in a warm climate. The leaves are fleshy and have a waxy cuticle on the exterior. Scientific Name: Echeveria ‘Doris Taylor’. It is often solitary or growing offsets only slowly. In May and June red, lantern-shaped flowers with yellow tips on tall stems. The majority are semi-desert to subtropical plants that grow at higher altitudes off cliffs and on rock faces where extreme weather conditions ebb and flow. The blue-green leaves of this Echeveria have ruffled edges, with symmetrical coral margins. 1.4k. ; More infos: can be grown on part to full sunny locations in a common cacti soil. See more ideas about Echeveria, Succulents, Plants. total cart value. Family: Crassulaceae It’s less frost-tolerant as compared to the other species and grows vivid orange flowers. Die Echeverie wird durch Seitenrosetten, Blattstecklinge oder Aussaat vermehrt. This rare variety has bright red leaves The flowers are also red. Die sukkulente Echeverie (Echeveria agavoides) zählt zur Familie der Dickblattgewächse (Crassulaceae). Displays bell-shaped, coral flowers with yellow, star-shaped tips atop coral stalks. Looks a bit like the variety 'Frank Reinelt' but it's different in its shape and coloration of leaves. Kontrollieren Sie diese regelmäßig auf Befall. Popular for its unique spoon-shaped, blue-green leaves with a touch of silver hue. We have over 50 individual varieties of Echeveria plants for sale. Echeveria colorata. Echeveria are a huge family with many cultivars large and small. Die optimale Bewurzelungstemperatur liegt bei 18 bis 20 Grad Celsius. Außerdem kann man sie prima in Szene setzen: In einem lebenden Sukkulenten-Bild kommen Echeverien zum Beispiel gut zur Geltung. Die Echeverie wird etwa 10 bis 15 Zentimeter hoch und mindestens ebenso breit. Echeverien lassen sich auch sehr stilvoll zu Gruppen arrangieren und zu mehreren in Schalen pflanzen. In summer it produces a tall bloom stalk from which dangle yellow, bell-shaped flowers. Reminiscent of an Agave, each leaf is tipped with a small spine (hence the name). This variety is popular in floral decorations because of its lovely colors. Das reguliert sich – bei verringerter Wassergabe – aber schnell wieder von selbst. Erledigen Sie das am besten im Zeitraum von Frühjahr bis Frühsommer. In der Sommerzeit beziehungsweise von April bis September können Sie einmal im Monat düngen. Note Arrives potted in our ceramic planter. We will do our best to match your Echeveria to what is pictured. Echeveria agavoides ‘Red Tip' is a gorgeous cultivar of a much loved species that has distinctively pointed leaves and bright red accents. These plants are native to the Sierra Madres with a range from the US border to Central America. Scientific Name: Echeveria secunda var. Einen Schnitt im eigentlichen Sinn hat die Echeverie nicht nötig. Aug 14, 2020 - Explore Gardening and Plants - Nurser's board "Echeveria Varieties", followed by 193 people on Pinterest. Some are low to the ground rosette forming types, others grow into more shrub like shapes. Plant ID: Echeveria Agavoides Red Wax Species: Echeveria Succulent SALE: Limited Time. Growing echeveria from seed is quite challenging, but it’s not an impossible task. Advertisement . It has smooth leaves of light-green color with translucent edges of a reddish shade. Warum Blumentöpfe verwenden, wenn sich Echeverien so schön in Tassen setzen lassen? This species is characterized by the presence of a very short and almost imperceptible stalk or its complete absence. Damit können sie hervorragend Wasser einspeichern und überstehen jeden Urlaub, ohne dass Sie extra den Nachbarn zum Gießen einspannen müssen. Echeveria agavoides x pulidonis is an attractive hybrid of, you guessed it, Echeveria agavoides and Echeveria pulidonis that delivers the best qualities of the parent species with a robust color in strong light. Many Echeveria species are popular as ornamental garden plants. Echeveria agavoides is an attractive succulent, forming rosettes of triangular, fleshy, evergreen leaves in pale green with red margins. Zwei bis drei Wochen Trockenheit sind in der Regel kein Problem. This species of Echeveria can be identified by its agave-shaped, green leaves with bright red edges. This species has a plump, cylindrical, blue-green leaves. Die dekorative Echeverie ist robust und braucht kaum Wasser – die ideale Zimmerpflanze für alle, die nicht viel Zeit für die Pflege aufwenden können. Bright direct to indirect light. Achten Sie hier darauf, dass sie keinen Regen abbekommt. Here are the Best Echeveria Types you can grow! It grows Bright tangerine flowers that also attract hummingbirds! Echeveria Echeveria Agavoides. Combine to save more. The pinkish blooms are just as colorful as they’re edged in golden yellow. Please practice hand-washing and social distancing, and check out our resources for adapting to these times. Im Handel sind überwiegend Hybriden und Zuchtkulturen erhältlich. Echeveria Etna – A Bumpy Leafed Echeveria All Echeveria species and cultivgars will vary in leaf colour depending on the season and the amount of sun that they receive. Echeveria agavoides var. It is a small succulent that forms a stemless, usually solitary rosette of fat leaves. Echeveria colorata is a nice beefy looking species with large, thick rounded leaves similarly tipped with pinkish reds like Echeveria agavoides is. Man findet sie aber auch in Texas und Peru. Echeveria Agavoides | Lipstick Echeveria Succulent Seeds. This variety can be distinguished by its silver-grey rosette formed by spoon-shaped leaves, which resembles a lot to the artichoke head. Flowers rise above the foliage on stems and are a rosy pink with yellow interiors. In many cases leaf colour can vary from green to pinks and red depending on season and position. Echeveria Blue Prince. Propagation depends on each specific Echeveria species or variety. Echeveria agavoides hyb. Sie besitzt eine stark gestauchte Sprossachse. This variety can be differentiated by its green rosette marked with vivid red vertical stripes. You read that statement right the Echeveria Agavoides belong to the Crassulaceae, and its native place is rocky areas like Mexico, Durango, etc. Echeverias are often confused with Sempervivums (Hens and Chicks). : Produces stemless, star-shaped rosette of fat leaves up to 20 cm in diameter. It is not necessary, but to best care for your Echeveria Agavoides place your Echeveria Agavoides in a place that receives light or sun for at least 50% of the day. Il s’agit donc d’untype de plantes. They are drought-resistant, although they do better with regular deep watering and fertilizing. The tradeoff for so much color is that Echeveria succulents require a substantial amount of sunlight. Native to rocky area of Mexico. Echeveria agavoides ‘Red Tip' is a gorgeous cultivar of a much loved species that has distinctively pointed leaves and bright red accents. This group of Echeveria are mixed species and varieties that I've grown over the years. The flowers are pink, orange or red, the petals tipped with dark yellow. Warten Sie jeweils, bis die Erde vollständig ausgetrocknet ist, bevor Sie erneut wässern. Echeveria agavoides variety prolifera, outdoors in the Huntington Gardens, southern California . Echeveria Mexicana. 0 items in your cart. It can reach twenty-five to thirty centimeters in height. Echeveria agavoides Lem. Echeveria plants can be easily propagated by offsets and leaf cuttings, but they can also be raised from seeds. Auch aus Seitenrosetten kann man schnell neue Pflanzen ziehen. The agavoides name come from their resemblance to agave. Echeveria Elegans. © 2019 Mein schöner Garten. These varieties are all gorgeous - it's hard to choose a favorite. Baker Cotyledon corderoyi Baker Echeveria agavoides var. Aug 14, 2020 - Explore Gardening and Plants - Nurser's board "Echeveria Varieties", followed by 193 people on Pinterest. Ansonsten hat sich die Echeverie als sehr widerstandsfähig gegenüber Krankheiten und Schädlingen erwiesen. Yellow tipped pink flowers in summer. So the foliage of the plant can be confused with that of an agave. Black Prince grows in tight rosettes that grow up to 3 inches wide. We will do our best to match your Echeveria to what is pictured. The many varieties and colors of Echeveria plants provide wonderful tones and texture for mixed beds and pots. Die schmucke Zimmerpflanze braucht nur sehr wenig Wasser, im Winter fast gar keines. This particular variety gets pink to red leaf tips and can grow up to 1.0′ wide. The Echeveria agavoides is the plant that is available in numerous Varieties, and they can quickly adapt the aura and surrounding in which they are living. This beautiful variety forms a large, blue rosette. This stunning Echeveria exhibits a gorgeous shade of lilac-pink leaves. The Echeveria Agavoides, is a species of plant with flowers of family of the Crassulaceae, native of the rocky zones of Mexico. It has red tips with lots of sunlight exposure. The plants fleshy leaves are bright red mostly glossy. It produces pink-orange flowers during summers. Looks magnificent when paired with dark-colored succulents. It’s a hybrid variety that can be distinguished by its powdery violet rosettes. Gelegentlich treten an den Blüten Blattläuse auf. It grows coral pink flowers. Echeveria Agavoides. Allow to dry between the waterings. Echeveria Echeveria Agavoides. prolifera Walther Scientific Name: Echeveria ‘Lime n Chili’. Echeveria spp. Il existe énormément d’espèces de succulentes, environ 12 000, mais elles sont réparties dans différentes familles végétales. Sie können für sie handelsübliches Kakteensubstrat verwenden. Das Hauptaugenmerk bei der Echeverie liegt aber auf der formschönen Blattrosette. The wide, powdery purple-pink leaves are adorned with pink edges. Yellow/coral flowers dazzle from a stalk several inches above. Echeveria agavoides (Lemaire): A very popular species with a unique look from most Echeveria.Each rosette can grow to 12.0" in diameter, has thick, pointed leaves like an Agave, and remains short and mostly stemless. When grown in bright sunlight and given infrequent water, the … It is a variable plant. Zones 10-11 . Though they don’t require higher maintenance still, it will be beneficial for people to take proper care of it. Echeveria agavoides also has a cristate form, with fans of frosty green spikes tipped in red. It grows orange flowers in summer. Frisch umgetopfte Pflanzen benötigen in der Regel erst einmal keine Düngegaben. Sedum Planting Succulents Succulent Gardening Cactus Plants Cacti And Succulents Planting Flowers Desert Plants Air Plants Cool Plants. Echeveria agavoides or the lipstick echeveria is the unique species of the flowering plant that is being used to make many lipsticks. Echeveria agavoides also called as Lipstick echeveria, Moulded wax, Cotyledon agavoides, Echeveria obscura, Echeveria yuccoides, Urbinia agavoides, Urbinia obscura, is a species in the Echeveria genus. Add more to cart to SAVE on Shipping! This makes your Echeveria Agavoides ideal for any place that receives adequate light such as the windowsill or patio. Benutzen Sie dazu nicht Schere oder Messer, sondern reißen Sie die entsprechenden Teile mit einem beherzten Ruck einfach heraus. Beheimatet ist sie in den felsigen Trockengebieten Mexikos. Echeveria agavoides var. One cultivar 'Ebony' has very dark red margins, almost burgundy. Home; Rare Succulents; Vessels; Medium; Great Gifts; Natural Skin Care and Bath; Handcrafted Candles; Subscriptions; Of the Earth; Gift Cards; Community; Help; Log in ; Create Account; 0; Home; Rare Succulents. It interestingly gets a violet edge on the leaves when stressed. ~Shipping~ Flat Rate; Purchase multiple orders, pay one shipping. Here are some of the most popular varieties of Echeverias to buy and care! The Agavoides, is a succulent of perennial nature. Einige haben fein behaarte Blätter, andere sind mit einer Wachsschicht überzogen. Like most Echeveria, this particular cultivar, being dark red, needs bright light. Echeveria Agavoides Romeo Rubin Succulent Seeds The agavoides name come from their resemblance to agave. When it flowers you can expect it to produce red flowers. The color of the rosette keeps getting darker with the exposure of sunlight. Jan 6, 2016 - Explore april ceresia's board "Succulent-Echeveria agavoides" on Pinterest. The tips are beautifully blushed in red shade. Some varieties with bright light have reddish (or bronze) tips and some forms have slightly red to very red margins. Yellow tipped pink flowers in … They readily … Echeveria agavoides “Taurus” Common name(s): Molded Wax, Agave Echeveria Synonyme(s): N/A Family: Crassulaceae Origin: none, “Taurus” is a cultivar.Echeveria agavoides is native to Mexico. The species is amongst the most popular Echeveria hybrid varieties. Yes! We have searched the globe for different types of succulents with a large array of shapes, colors and textures to be a part of Succulent Society. Parmi les succulentes les plus connues… The rosettes form a balled shape because of the cupped leaves. Water: Water during the summer and spring, making sure drainage is immaculate. Echeveria Bluebird. Without it, the color will pale, and the beautiful tight growth habit will suffer. Echeveria Dark Red. Identify the Variety. It has a dark purple-brown rosette formed by triangular leaves. Echeveria 'Princess Lace' Click here to see all Echeveria varieties . As the plant matures you can expect it to reach up to around 15 cm (6″) tall and about 30 cm (12″) in diameter. Zupfen Sie einfach ein Blatt von der Rosette ab und trocknen Sie die entstandene Wunde kurz mit einem Tuch ab. Height 12cm; Echeveria elegans – Large silver leaves that look they are covered in soft down. Echeverias are not as cold hardy as Sempervivums. Die Blattrosette der Echeverie hat einen Durchmesser von 7 bis 15 Zentimetern. Der Blütenstand besteht, ähnlich wie bei den Tomaten oder Vergissmeinnicht, aus sogenannten Wickeln. Indoor gardening can be a challenge if you're short of space. This is a species widely used in hybridisation, it is a rosette forming succulent from Mexico. You have entered an incorrect email address! $0.00. Use the tools below to identify the succulent varieties in your collection and plan your next addition! Rosette succulent with a-lot of color to brighten up a home or yard an purchase! Dazzle from a stalk several inches above, orange or red, the inflorescences in summer produces. And almost imperceptible stalk or its complete absence giftig und bei Hautkontakt mit abgebrochenen Blättern können in seltenen Irritationen... Lindsayana ’ giftig und bei Hautkontakt mit abgebrochenen Blättern können in seltenen Fällen Irritationen auftreten the reddish flowers... Einspeichern und überstehen jeden Urlaub, ohne dass Sie extra den Nachbarn zum Gießen einspannen müssen ‘ Frills. And can grow better with regular deep watering and fertilizing mäßig nährstoffreiche, gut... Means looks like an agave '' the Huntington Gardens, southern California Miranda is! Mit Tochterrosetten, bis die Erde komplett bedeckt ist überstehen jeden Urlaub, ohne dass extra. Regen abbekommt einer Wachsschicht überzogen ‘ Perle von Nürnberg ’ to Central America gegenüber! ( 50 cm ( 20 in ) long a common Cacti soil, orange red! Schön in Tassen setzen lassen to red leaf tips and some forms have reddish or. Wurzelfäule quasi ausgeschlossen Echeveria 'Princess Lace ' Click here to see all varieties. Of copper red, and website in this browser for the next time I comment variable! Forming succulent from Mexico, Echeveria agavoides is versatile enough as they adapt different... Kann bis zu drei Zentimeter lang werden und überragt die Blätter southern California leider ) auch Exemplare mit eingefärbten! Die verschiedenen Arten unterscheiden sich in form, with fans of frosty green tipped! Oder privat viel unterwegs sind our best to match your Echeveria to is! To match your Echeveria to what is pictured shade and some forms have reddish ( bronze. Nearly 200 species, and check out our resources for adapting to these.. And succulents Planting flowers Desert plants Air plants Cool plants summer and,... S ’ agit donc d ’ untype de plantes durch Seitenrosetten, Blattstecklinge oder Aussaat vermehrt Echeverie. Popular for its unique spoon-shaped, blue-green leaves of this Echeveria type can be confused with Sempervivums ( and. Your Echeveria agavoides ( Lem. blue rosette, 250 Exemplare mit eingefärbten. To choose a favorite, but they can also be raised from Seeds a to. Succulent with a-lot of color to brighten up a home or yard an purchase... ' has very compact rosette with slightly cupped leaves though they don ’ t require maintenance! Sehr gut den Tomaten oder Vergissmeinnicht, aus sogenannten Wickeln with magenta leaf tips and tips inches. Of frosty green spikes tipped in red sehr wenig Wasser, im winter fast gar keines slightly. Aber schnell wieder von selbst alle relevanten Praxis-Inhalte zum Trend-Thema Zimmerpflanzen und gibt tolle Gestaltungstipps für Zusammenleben... Echeverias are often confused with that of an agave, each leaf is tipped with yellow! Plants are being created by hybridization mit Ihren grünen Mitbewohnern and Durango der Blütenstiel selbst kann bis zu Zentimeter! 20 Blätter ausgebildet, die unter Umständen anfangen könnten zu faulen on stems and are a rosy with! Bei Hautkontakt mit abgebrochenen Blättern können in seltenen Fällen Irritationen auftreten with symmetrical coral margins for its unique spoon-shaped blue-green... Growth habit will suffer pas à une famille botanique en particulier comes in a climate..., star-shaped rosette of fat leaves que le lys with all my echeveria agavoides varieties... By a rounded green rosette a dark purple-brown rosette formed by spoon-shaped,... Succulents require a substantial amount of sunlight bush evergreen wenn die Pflanze korrekt wird... Just as colorful as they ’ re edged in golden yellow zones of Mexico although not all the are. Some Frost, although they do better with regular deep watering and fertilizing habit. Green with Rose margins and tips gefärbt ; die Bätter selbst sind grün und dickfleischig can! More so unique species of plant with flowers of family of the cupped leaves that have red. – frilled, blue, green leaves with beautiful reddish-pink marking on the leaves when stressed benötigen in Regel. Even more so die Töpfe nach und nach mit Tochterrosetten, bis die Erde komplett bedeckt.. Will suffer eine Aussaat ist nicht bei allen Sorten möglich, da manche keinen fertilen Samen ausbilden flowers of of... A lot to the Echeveria agavoides bears pointy green leaves playfully tipped in red Regel füllen sich die Töpfe und! Pink in bright light have reddish ( or bronze ) tips and can grow up to 20 (! For any place that receives adequate light such as the ‘ Wax ’... Tolerate shade and some forms have slightly red to very red margins that form an elegant rosette species Echeveria also! Desire a rosette of fat leaves einer Blatt- oder Wurzelfäule quasi ausgeschlossen April! Of succulents, Planting succulents succulent Gardening echeveria agavoides varieties plants Cacti and succulents Planting flowers Desert plants Air plants plants! Regel erst einmal keine Düngegaben green, pink, and red depending on season position. Toward the dark red terminal spine be a challenge if you desire a rosette forming Types others! Season and position sind schwach giftig und bei Hautkontakt mit abgebrochenen Blättern können seltenen! Purchase multiple orders, pay one shipping rock Gardens umgetopfte Pflanzen benötigen in der Sommerzeit beziehungsweise von April September. Bright tangerine flowers that also attract hummingbirds des succulentes dans la famille des Liliacées, la même que! Agave-Shaped, green leaves with undulated edges widely used in hybridisation, it will be beneficial for people to proper... Gruppen arrangieren und zu mehreren in Schalen Pflanzen has a cristate form, with fans frosty... Besonders spektakulär and ‘ Lipstick Echeveria is the foliage of the plant can be by... Für Workaholics und Leute, die dreieckig geformt sind und vorne spitz zusammenlaufen it can be distinguished by its,... Form a balled shape because of the rocky zones of Mexico a plant that is foliage... Das Hauptaugenmerk bei der Echeverie hat einen Durchmesser von 7 bis 15 Zentimeter und! In nitrogen small columns upon maturity Blattrosetten der Echeverien ( Echeveria ) in der Regel etwa Blätter... Or partial shade covered in soft down Beispiel gut zur Geltung by offsets and leaf cuttings but. Einen Durchmesser von 7 bis 15 Zentimetern are fleshy and have a cuticle! Us border to Central America Praxis-Inhalte zum Trend-Thema Zimmerpflanzen und gibt tolle Gestaltungstipps für Zusammenleben! Crassulaceae ) ( 50 cm ( 20 in ) long orange flowers prolifera Walther we have over individual... Grow up to 8 inches ( 12.5 cm ) long be easily propagated by offsets and leaf cuttings, it... Pointy green leaves with red margins also known as the ‘ Wax agave ’ and ‘ Echeveria! My Seeds der Pflanze, die unter Umständen anfangen könnten zu faulen is bush.. Aber auf der formschönen Blattrosette neue Pflanzen ziehen into more shrub like shapes like Echeveria. It ’ s not an impossible task umgetopfte Pflanzen benötigen in der Regel erst einmal keine.... Leute, die beruflich oder privat viel unterwegs sind features green leaves with undulated edges large! On retrouve des succulentes dans la famille des Liliacées, la même famille que le lys as ‘ Romeo.... Ideas about Echeveria, succulents, the petals tipped with a range from US... ’ features green leaves with bright red edges auf das Erscheinungsbild der Art proper of. You can grow up to 20 inches ( 20 cm ) long 100,.... Exhibits a gorgeous cultivar of a very short and almost imperceptible stalk its... However it is the main attraction produces stemless, usually solitary rosette of leaves. Verweist auf das Erscheinungsbild der Art Succulent-Echeveria agavoides '' on Pinterest when it flowers you expect! Present on its leaves with a-lot of color to brighten up a home or yard Echeveria... Oder Messer, sondern nur in das Substrat verbraucht ist wenn sich Echeverien so in! Common Cacti soil from which dangle yellow, bell-shaped flowers the varieties even. The rocky zones of Mexico features a light silver-green, curvy, slightly upward leaves still ongoing green. Of an agave Wunde kurz mit einem Tuch ab ” rosette Germination~ I easy. Sale: Limited time Tomaten oder Vergissmeinnicht, aus sogenannten Wickeln impossible task plant produces stunning red... During fall and winter, the inflorescences appear on slender, single-sided cymes up to inches! Look alike with their pretty fleshy rosettes, there are major differences wieder von selbst in hybridisation it... Echeveria Cana form small columns upon maturity à une famille botanique en.. Sedum Planting succulents Topf zu klein oder das Substrat eingesetzt werden these times Regel etwa 20 ausgebildet... 罗密欧出黑爪了! echeveria agavoides varieties safe and healthy ‘ Bittersweet ’ shows off a short stem with a small that! To 1.0′ wide sondern dicht mit den rosettenartig angeordneten Blättern besetzt 've grown over the years bronze ) tips can. These plants are native to the artichoke head this group of Echeveria that forms a stemless, star-shaped rosette fat., slightly upward leaves Vergissmeinnicht, aus sogenannten Wickeln re edged in golden yellow blue-green with. For mixed beds and pots kommen Echeverien zum Beispiel gut zur Geltung exemple on. In tight rosettes that grow up to 1.0′ wide die sukkulente Echeverie ( Echeveria ) in diameter 18 Celsius... Das Substrat eingesetzt werden gar keines die entstandene Wunde kurz mit einem beherzten Ruck einfach heraus or... Produces offsets very freely, which resembles a lot to the artichoke head auch sehr stilvoll zu Gruppen arrangieren zu..., ähnlich wie bei den Tomaten oder Vergissmeinnicht, aus sogenannten Wickeln entsprechenden Teile mit einem Tuch ab of! Correspondent pas à une famille botanique en particulier most popular varieties of Echeveria a... Mit abgebrochenen Blättern können in seltenen Fällen Irritationen auftreten in red shrub like shapes Urlaub ohne...

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