overseeding hay field in spring
Reducing competition from the existing stand will help the new seedlings establish. This is the best way to see where there has been winterkill, mold, bare spots, and dirt tunnels made by field mice while underneath the snow. Lone Spruce farm 3,729 views. Pasture and Hay for Horses’ 2002. Grasses hav… “It’s just good to know where you’re at,” … As shown, in the figure below, average first cutting yields of grasses the spring after late summer seeding, when harvested at the boot stage, ranged from 1.5 t/a for some grasses down to less than 0.5 t/a on first cutting depending on when they were sown the previous fall. Typically, ryegrasses will not overwinter in most northern areas, but can be overwintered in other regions; therefore, on these farms, ryegrasses should be seeded with the intent of meeting single season forage needs. Available at: Morrison, J. He also says that overseeding in alfalfa, either with another forage or more alfalfa, is never a good idea. seed drill) that will place the seeds into the soil at a depth of approximately ¼” to ½”. of N per acre may be needed in early spring when ryegrass is used for late spring grazing, hay, or as a silage crop. The goal of frost seeding is to get seed on bare soil. Frost seeding. However, take care to avoid overgrazing which can result in young seedlings being consumed before adequate establishment. The effectiveness of overseeding, whether done in the spring or fall, is enhanced when it is combined with lawn aeration.The process of extracting small cores of soil from the lawn is also called core aeration. The key steps to success include good seed-to-soil contact, early seeding at the appropriate time for your climate, proper species selection, and reducing competition. Grass/perennial peanut mixed pasture in Calhoun County with cool season ‘Attain’ ryegrass forage no-till drilled in mid-October. Those steps, seeding rates and guidelines are available in the ISU Extension and Outreach publication Improving Pasture by Frost Seeding. Other legumes, such as white clover and birdsfoot trefoil, also can be frost seeded but with less success than red clover. Figure 1. It is important to realize that hay … However, be aware that rapid snow melt can cause the seed to be washed off the pasture. To begin, fall grazing or mowing down to a 2-inch height will slow regrowth of the existing stand in the spring. Periodic frost seeding will help maintain high quality forages. Ryegrass and orchardgrass will contribute to forage yields in the seeding year while bromegrass will need a full season before plants become productive. Overseeding the Little Hay Field crslyrn. Frost seeding can also be done in December once growth has stopped for the year and before snowfall. If you have an existing stand that just needs a pick-me-up, adding legumes that will provide plenty of nutrition through the dry summer months may be what you need. Heather Darby, University of Vermont Extension. Red and white clovers are the most effective for establishment (Callan, 2010). 22:51. Birdsfoot trefoil is less successful due to slow establishment. As the ground freezes and thaws, it opens and closes allowing the seed to be incorporated into the soil. Annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) is a cool-season grass that originated in southern Europe.It is sometimes called Italian ryegrass. (Bonus points for finding lost shoes, fly masks and halters!) All rights reserved. One common misconception about frost seeding is that spreading the seed on top of snow works best. Casler, and D.C. West. This keeps the seed from germinating until there is a good moisture supply early in the spring. Closely grazing or mowing pastures in the fall will also help to expose the soil. the author is required. If the no-till seeding is a hay field, harvest it for hay early to give the young plants an opportunity to compete with the established plants in the stand. I plant every year, and have had only a couple of minor failures. A few well researched steps will improve the success of frost seeding. Forage demand/supply relationships should be evaluated in both short- and long-term plans, allowing for emergency periods such as drought. This has been an unusual end to the winter, so as soon as the snow melts, frost seeding can begin. I've done it like this with horse pastures: Mow it real short, then pull a spring tooth harrow across the field to open it up a little. Reseeding can be necessary to increase nutritional value, eradicate weeds, fill in bare spots, and improve the stand after disease problems or poor management. Note: Timothy and Reed Canarygrass are not recommended. Opening of the grass sod, shallow seed placement, and seed coverage are required. Frost seeding involves spreading forage seed on existing pastures during the late winter or very early spring while the ground is still frozen. Clovers, alfalfa, birdsfoot trefoil have been successfully interseeded. Wheat (winter, spring) A x x x x x 75-150 0.5-1.5" 13000 cool 1 1-3 PERENNIAL WARM-SEASON GRASSES Big Bluestem P x x x x 10 M 140000 mod 5+ 3 Indiangrass P x x x x 10 M 185000 mod 5+ 2 In the Mountains, the fall … If it is feasible to harvest the spring growth as hay, this is another option for allowing plants to develop a sufficient root system before grazing. The information Frost seeding is an economical method of improving pasture and hay fields by broadcasting the seed on frozen ground. Lack of moisture is no reason to put off fall pasture seeding, says Rob Kallenback, University of Missouri forage specialist. (800) 262-3804, Iowa State University Freeze-thaw cycles then provide shallow coverage of the seed, which help shield from early spring rains. The more efficient seed placement provided by a no-till drill allows many of our more productive perennial forage grasses to also be successfully established by interseeding. Available at. The principle of frost seeding is to broadcast forage seed in the early spring when the ground freezes at night and thaws during the day. After seeding, grazing or mowing the field when it is 6 to 8 inches tall will allow for better light penetration to the new seedlings. Producers wanting to add to or improve the forage species in their existing pastures should typically consider using either the frost seeding method in February and early March, or interseeding later in the spring months. The best species to select depends on the goal one has for the field. It is important to determine the reason behind the need for reseeding. Here are some spring jobs to think about. Thin, low-producing, grass sod might best be improved by interseeding a grass legume mixture. Wisconsin research showed the effects of autotoxicity to be greater in no-till fields than those moldboard plowed. “I … Available at: Undersander, D. 2006. Legumes interseeded into grass sod should increase pasture yield, improve forage quality, and eliminate or minimize need for nitrogen fertilizer. Introduced Hay. Recommended Hay and Pasture Forages for Michigan . Many restoration projects are completed in the summer and require fall seeding. Traditionally, seeding is thought of as a spring activity. 2150 Beardshear Hall Frost seeding involves spreading forage seed on existing pastures during the late winter or very early spring while the ground is still frozen. Callan, P. 2010. Frost seeding can be an effective and inexpensive method to improve the quality and quantity of forage. Areas with bare or exposed soil across a field are ideal candidates for frost seeding. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach field agronomist. This process for evaluating forage supply and ... spring, summer, fall or winter, depending on their management. If this article is to be used in any other manner, permission from Methods to improve old unproductive pastures and hayfields that are both effective and economical are a common challenge for farmers, and especially so for new and beginning farmers. Test your soil to determine pH and nutrient levels. Frost seeding to improve pasture quality. Overseeding of pasture or hay land with cool season annual legumes and grasses and with perennial legumes can be made much later in sod than in prepared seedbeds because the existing sod provides protection for the developing seedlings during the winter. Orchardgrass and tall fescue will provide the highest yields. 2001. Interseeding involves using a no-till drill to aid in the incorporation of a legume or a more productive grass into an existing pasture sod. University of Wisconsin Extension bulletin. and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. Interseeding offers an opportunity for improving pasture productivity too. Spring is always a busy season on the ranch, so it's best to plan for where you're headed and what you need to get done. It is a good option for frost seeding, so in the next month, we can spread this seed on pastures or hay fields. A second application of 40 to 50 lbs. Photo courtesy of Daniel Leonard. Frost seeding forages into established pastures. Frost seeding clover with handheld broadcast seeder. Although legumes are the most successful for this system, some grasses can also be successfully frost seeded. The main advantage to frost seeding is the ability to establish desirable species into an undisturbed sod at a low per acre cost. This article was originally published on March 6, 2019. Freeze-thaw cycles then provide shallow coverage of the seed, which help shield from early spring rains. "When it's time to plant, drill the seed and wait for the rain. Contact herbicides are sometimes also used to temporarily further reduce competition from plants present in the stand. Always check with your organic certification agency before adopting new practices or using new materials. For bermudagrass, Redfearn recommends patience. It shouldn't come as a surprise that the conclusions from these efforts all point to several very important issues that must be met for successful interseedings. When you get rain, you'll have grass. Madison, WI. University of Minnesota Extension bulletin. Frost seeding can be done over a thin layer of snow. Overseeding legumes in pastures is a good way to reduce dependence on high-priced nitrogen (N) fertilizer and increase summer productivity and quality in pastures. Subscribe to receive email alerts when new information is posted. This is an eOrganic article and was reviewed for compliance with National Organic Program regulations by members of the eOrganic community. * March and early April are generally a good time to overseed as long as you have several days of thawing and freezing. Of the grasses, perennial ryegrass and orchardgrass frost seed with the greatest success (Morrison, 2009); bromegrass has intermediate success; reed canary and timothy have the least success. Frost seeding is often done with seeders mounted on ATVs, or a tractor-mounted or handheld broadcast seeder (see Figure 1). Another option is to take a spring hay cutting before returning to full grazing. The main advantage to frost seeding is the ability to establish desirable species into an undisturbed sod at a low per acre cost. forage in spring before the warm-season grasses become productive. Broadcast your seed, then roll it with a cultipacker (that's the roller w/o teeth)BTW, october is too late to plant alfalfa. A 60% to 70% frost seeding establishment rate has been reported by many farmers (Undersander, 2006). Alfalfa does not frost seed well because its germination is variable at cool temperatures. contained within may not be the most current and accurate depending on when it is accessed. Close grazing in the fall or spring, ahead of interseeding, will help to reduce sod competition. See ISU Extension and Outreach publication Interseeding and No-Till Pasture Renovation for more suggested seeding rates and guidelines. A no-till drill can also be used but this will increase the number of trips across the field. Balance your soil as needed with fertilizer and/or lime. Use a method (i.e. Most legumes need good drainage, pH, fertility and species-specific harvest management for pasture halage or hay. Interseeding can be accomplished with relatively few field operations. manent pasture or hayfield, producers have to decide which cool-season grass to use. It is a good option for frost seeding, so in the next month, we can spread this seed on pastures or hay fields. Stay away from Fescue in hayfield I only know of one horse person that has fescue on purpose. Re: Overseeding a mostly grass hay field in Ky in reply to Reid1650, 02-20-2013 18:25:02 Orchardgrass and Timothy with Red Clover the first week or two of March, chain harrow if possable. A productive pasture is contingent upon a good plan, careful management, and clear goals. Links to this article are strongly encouraged, and this article may be republished Legumes are the most successful for this system as they tend to be rounded, dense and most importantly, they -germinate at lower temperatures so will begin growth early in the spring. There are some noteworthy advantages to fall seeding; however, you do have the option of seeding in the spring or in the fall. A number of drills are available that can be used in sod-seeding efforts. When frost seeding with a broadcast seeder, make sure to first determine the effective seeding width to avoid possible overlap of seed. Frost seeding is the easiest method to add new forage legumes or grasses to pastures, and is likely the least expensive method, as well. Recommended species and seeding rates are shown in Table 1. Hay and pasture. The best candidate for frost seeding is the “run out” field. Undersander, D.J., M.D. ... An attempt to bring back an old hay field - Duration: 22:51. fertilizer and lime recommendations for overseeding help spread clover into the unplanted areas of the Winter annual legumes are commonly grown in bermudagrass and bahiagrass pastures to provide The optimum practice is to seed early in the spring after the snow is gone but while the ground is still frozen. More aggressive tillage will better mix and dilute the toxins. The principle of frost seeding is to broadcast forage seed in the early spring when the ground freezes at night and thaws during the day. pasture, crop aftermath, hay and grain produced for feed. For more information, please contact your local Iowa State University Extension and Outreach field agronomist. Red clover has been the Iowa forage species of choice for frost seeding. Frost seeding of forages. 2009. Copyright © 2020 Iowa State University of Science and Technology. Here are some tips for pasture overseeding: * Walk fields as early in spring as possible. The success of frost seeding establishment can be increased by following the key steps outlined below. Virginia Cooperative Extension bulletin, Culpeper County, VA. A seeding delay into late spring to improve growing conditions often also leads to a greater competition from the existing grass sod. Typical winter annual species developing legume seedlings. Frost Seeding Red Clover in Hay Fields and Pastures By Dan Hudson / March 20, 2013 / Comments Off on Frost Seeding Red Clover in Hay Fields and Pastures Sugaring season is here, and that means that it is also time to frost-seed red clover in your pastures and hay fields if you have it in your mind to do it at all. Available at: Rankin, M. 2011. ISU Extension and Outreach Drills vary in their effectiveness based on ability to penetrate sod, provide uniform seed depth and metering, and ability to cover furrow. Frost seeding works best with legumes and grasses that germinate fast and at cool temperatures. By later cuttings the stands had recovered and all yielded well. White Clover- This is a low-growing short lived perennial. Frost seeding is spreading seed in late winter or early spring after the snow is gone and when the soil surface is alternately opened by frost at night, then closed by the heat of the day. Interseeding is normally done from mid-March through early May, when soil moisture and temperature are more suitable for rapid seedling establishment. Harrow the pasture to break up manure, old hay piles, etc. In fact, planting should be delayed until about October 15 th in the Coastal Plain and Piedmont. Many farmers frost seed 25% of their acreage each year so that they are spreading their risk over different years. Although not always necessary, cattle (through tromping) or disking can improve soil-to-seed contact. Therefore, seeding the species separately will result in a more even distribution of grasses and legumes. Equipment limitations for sod seeding implements sometimes are overcome by operator experience and home shop modifications. Ad apted from Penn State Aronomy Facts g #32 by Mavin H.Hall r and Patriia Comrford, Pennsylvc eania State University,1992. Interseeding success depends a lot on paying attention to details, timeliness, careful management of sod completion, controlling seeding depth to no deeper than one-fourth to one-half inch, and a little bit of luck with weather. Prepare your soil. In general, frost seeding does not work as well with grasses. Frost seeding does not work on sandy soils where there is no swelling and shrinking associated with the freeze-thaw cycle. If it is not possible for animals to be removed from the pasture for six to eight months, consider using temporary fencing and overseeding half of a pasture one year, then the other half the next. This is more effective and more safely done without snow cover. 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