tohoku earthquake magnitude
The expressway did not reopen to general public use until 24 March 2011. Part 2: From Religious Mobilization to "Spiritual Care. Part 1: A Brief Survey of Religious Mobilization after the Great East Japan Earthquake Disasters". [69], This megathrust earthquake was a recurrence of the mechanism of the earlier 869 Sanriku earthquake, which has been estimated as having a magnitude of at least 8.4 Mw, which also created a large tsunami that inundated the Sendai plain. [300], A report by the IAEA in 2012 found that the Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant, the closest nuclear plant to the epicenter of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, had remained largely undamaged. The main iceberg measured 9.5 km × 6.5 km (5.9 mi × 4.0 mi) (approximately the area of Manhattan Island) and about 80 m (260 ft) thick. 9th of March 2011. Without ventilation, gas accumulated within the reactor containment structures and eventually exploded. 7 issued 03/11/2011 at 3:39 am PST", "$1.2M FEMA Tsunami Grant To Ore.'s Curry County – Oregon – Northwest News Story – KTVZ Bend", "PNG's Wewak hospital damaged by tsunami waves", Tsunami damage estimate for Hawaii now tens of millions, "Tsunami washes away feathered victims west of Hawaii", "South Pacific islands hit by tsunami swells", Tsunami Warning For Guam Extended Until 11 p.m, Minor damage in Latin America by Japan's tsunami, Más de 200 casas dañadas dejó seguidilla de olas, Caldera: 80 viviendas resultaron destruidas en Puerto Viejo por efecto de las olas, Más de 200 casas dañadas dejó seguidilla de olas que azotaron las costas chilenas, "Gareth Morgan's Galapagos hotel destroyed by tsunami", "Ecuador Sends Aid To Galapagos After Islands Hit By Tsunami From Japan", Tsunami Aftermath in Galapagos: Update from CDRS' Director Dr. J. Gabriel Lopez, "Japan tsunami caused icebergs to break off in Antarctica", "Antarctic ice-shelf calving triggered by the Honshu (Japan) earthquake and tsunami, March 2011", Japan tsunami victim's soccer ball found in Alaska, "Tsunami motorcycle owner located in Japan", "Quake Shifted Japan; Towns Now Flood at High Tide", "東日本大震災における震災関連死の死者数(平成29年3月31日現在)[平成29年6月30日公表]", 平成23年(2011年)東北地方太平洋沖地震(東日本大震災)の被害状況(平成29年9月1日現在), Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, "Fukushima evacuation has killed more than earthquake and tsunami, survey says", "Stress-induced deaths in Fukushima top those from 2011 natural disasters", "Japan earthquake: 100,000 children displaced, says charity", Grandparents stifle grief to raise orphaned boy, Tōhoku teen feels guilt of being lone survivor, 378 students killed, 158 missing in disaster, 3/11 tsunami killed 35% of students 'saved' by parents, School that lost 70% of its pupils mourns, "Japan confirms death of 19 foreigners in March 11 quake, tsunami", "Quebec priest killed in Japanese tsunami", "Google Person Finder for Japan Earthquake/Tsunami launched", "As Tsunami Robbed Life, It Also Robs Rite of Death", "Japan earthquake: country begins burying dead in mass graves", "Burials in Quake-Hit Towns Deepen Japan's Tragedy", "Takashi Shimokawara, 104, a victim of Japanese tsunami", International Association of Athletics Federations, Illness, suicides drive up disaster-linked toll, Disaster reconstruction work has claimed 18 lives so far, "California tsunami death: NorCal man drowns trying to photograph tsunami – KSWB", "Man swept out to sea by tsunami was Bend native", "Klamath tsunami victim identified; search comes up empty", "film shown by BBC showing only rubble where there were buildings", "Before-and-after satellite photographs of devastated regions", "animated images showing undamaged places become damaged", "Seawalls Offered Little Protection Against Tsunami's Crushing Waves", Debris removal, recycling daunting, piecemeal labor, Applications to deregister cars lost in tsunami soar, "Status of Japanese ports 5 days after devastating quake and tsunami", Iwate fisheries continue struggle to recover, "Tokyo Disneyland hit by liquefaction after quake", "Japan issues top tsunami warning after major quake", "Dam Breaks in Northeast Japan, Washes Away Homes", "Death toll from powerful Japan quake likely to top 1,000", "A quick report on Japanese Dams after the Earthquake", "Quake-hit Japan battles to avert radiation leak", "Japanese Quake Forces Evacuation Near Nuclear Reactor; Oil Refinery Burns", "Power Outage To Deal Further Blows To Industrial Output", "東京電力ホームページ – エネルギーの最適サービスを通じてゆたかで快適な環境の実現に貢献します –", A legacy from the 1800s leaves Tokyo facing blackouts, One certainty in the crisis: Power will be at a premium, Auto industry agrees to adopt weekend work shifts, "Setsuden Poised to Replace Nuclear Power in Japan ", "Japan's shipping, energy sectors begin march back from quake", "After 8.9 quake, explosion hits pchem complex in Japan", Japan earthquake causes oil refinery inferno, "LPG Tanks Fire Extinguished at Chiba Refinery (5th Update) | COSMO OIL Co., Ltd", Fires, safety checks take out Japanese refineries, Japanese refiners try to offset shortages, "JX refinery fire seen originated from shipping facility", Analysis – Oil markets adjust to Japan's disaster, Tsunami Disaster: "Japan's Sendai says LNG Infrastructure Badly Damaged", "Eastern Japan paralyzed by unprecedented earthquake", "Japan earthquake: Evacuations ordered as fears grow of radiation leak at nuclear plant;", "Japan initiates emergency protocol after earthquake", "Japan's nuclear fears intensify at two Fukushima power stations", Japan Earthquake: More Nuclear Plants Lose Power, "Nuke plant near quake epicenter undamaged", "Japan nuclear plant disaster: warning of an 'apocalypse’ as fallout hits danger levels,", "Analysis: A month on, Japan nuclear crisis still scarring,", "Nuclear Power in Japan | Japanese Nuclear Energy – World Nuclear Association", "Japan Declares 'Nuclear Emergency' after Quake", "High radiation in Japanese nuclear plant", "Radioactive Material May Have Leaked from Japanese Reactor", Partial Meltdowns Presumed at Crippled Reactors, Japan quake: With two natural disasters and a nuclear emergency, recovery begins, Sixth Japanese nuclear reactor loses cooling, "朝日新聞社):福島市内の水道水から放射性物質検出 国の基準は下回る – 東日本大震災", "朝日新聞社):福島の土壌から微量ストロンチウム 水溶性の放射性物質 – 社会", "朝日新聞社):原発から40キロの土壌、高濃度セシウム 半減期30年 – 東日本大震災", "朝日新聞社):東京・神奈川含む汚染マップ公表 一部で1万ベクレル超 – 東日本大震災", "Food Contamination Set to Rise as Japan Fights Radiation Crisis at Reactor", "High level of caesium detected in sand lances", "Radioactive Meat Sold in Japan Market – Health News Story – KTVZ Bend", "Fire at Tōhoku Elec Onagawa nuclear plant -Kyodo | Reuters", "Fire at nuclear power plant extinguished", "March 2011 Japan's atomic plant neighbours mull leaving homes", Japanese nuclear plants' operator scrambles to avert meltdowns, "Sea water injected into troubled Fukushima power plant | The Manila Bulletin Newspaper Online", "Cooling system pump stops at Tokai No.2 plant-Kyodo; Energy & Oil; Reuters", "Tokai No.2 nuke plant cooling process working – operator | Reuters", "Highway to Japan Quake Area Opens as Casualties Pass 25,000", "Many Rail Services in Tokyo Suspended After Quake", "Yokota provides support following massive earthquake", "脱線のJR仙石線車内から、県警ヘリで9人救出 : 社会 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)", "23駅流失、線路被害680か所…JR東日本 : 社会 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)", "Full Tōhoku Shinkansen Line services to be restored by late April", "How Japan's Rail Network Survived the Earthquake", "朝日新聞社):東北新幹線、東京―那須塩原で再開 各停、1時間に1本", "No. [114], One minute before the earthquake was felt in Tokyo, the Earthquake Early Warning system, which includes more than 1,000 seismometers in Japan, sent out warnings of impending strong shaking to millions. A few cases of suicide are also included. [80], Most of the foreshocks are interplate earthquakes with thrust-type focal mechanisms. This motivated government researchers to look into other ways the earthquake may have had large scale effects on the planet. [361], Matsushima Air Field of the Japan Self-Defense Force in Miyagi Prefecture was struck by the tsunami, flooding the base and resulting in damage to all 18 Mitsubishi F-2 fighter jets of the 21st Fighter Training Squadron. The earthquake has not prompted any tsunami advisories. Indian Ocean Earthquake, 26 December 2004. "[53] Around 4.4 million households in northeastern Japan were left without electricity and 1.5 million without water.[54]. 6 days. [299], The aftershock on 7 April caused the loss of external power to Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant and Higashidori Nuclear Power Plant but backup generators were functional. The amplitude of the seismic wave is measured using the JMA magnitude scale, which is similar to Richter magnitude scale. [297] At Fukushima Daiichi and Daini, tsunami waves overtopped seawalls and destroyed diesel backup power systems, leading to severe problems at Fukushima Daiichi, including three large explosions and radioactive leakage. "Japanese Team Comes of Age, and Lifts a Country (Published 2011)", "What Have Religious Groups Done After 3.11? [201][202], The Geospatial Information Authority of Japan reported land subsidence based on the height of triangulation stations in the area measured by GPS as compared to their previous values from 14 April 2011. This is the fourth largest earthquake in the world and the largest in Japan since instrumental recordings began in 1900. The plant's three reactors automatically shut down without damage and all safety systems functioned as designed. [205], In Japan, the National Police Agency has confirmed 15,899 deaths,[206] 6,157 injured,[207] and 2,529 people missing[208] across twenty prefectures. To prevent under-reporting of tsunami heights, early quantitative observation data that are smaller than the expected amplitude will be overridden and the public will instead be told that the situation is under observation. [272] By 21 March 2011, the number of households in the north without electricity fell to 242,927. [36][141], Like the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, the damage by surging water, though much more localized, was far more deadly and destructive than the actual quake. Hoei earthquake, 1707. [101], The first sign international researchers had that the earthquake caused such a dramatic change in the Earth's rotation came from the United States Geological Survey which monitors Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) stations across the world. [43][44][45][46], The tsunami swept the Japanese mainland and killed over ten thousand people, mainly through drowning, though blunt trauma also caused many deaths. The Japanese Foreign Ministry confirmed the deaths of nineteen foreigners. [282][283][284], A 220,000-barrel (35,000 m3)-per-day[285] oil refinery of Cosmo Oil Company was set on fire by the quake at Ichihara, Chiba Prefecture, to the east of Tokyo. The heat build-up caused the generation of hydrogen gas. [318] Many radioactive hotspots were found outside the evacuation zone, including Tokyo. [42] More than 3,000 people were killed. [277], The expected electricity crisis in 2011 summer was successfully prevented thanks to all the setsuden measures. As a result, the communities in question are now more susceptible to flooding during high tides. Aftershocks decrease in frequency as a function of time following the mainshock. 3. [344], There were no derailments of Shinkansen bullet train services in and out of Tokyo, but their services were also suspended. A magnitude 7.4 Mw at 15:08 (JST), 7.9 Mw at 15:15 and a 7.7 Mw quake at 15:26 all occurred on 11 March. Cargo contained yellowtail jack fish, a species that lives off the coast of Japan, still alive. 'ye aittir. Cabinet Office Disaster Management, Government of Japan (2015). [383] Television broadcasts of the press conferences of Prime Minister Naoto Kan and Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano included simultaneous JSL interpreters standing next to the Japanese flag on the same platform. [292][293], The city-owned plant for importing liquefied natural gas in Sendai was severely damaged, and supplies were halted for at least a month. [375], The aftermath of the twin disasters also left Japan's coastal cities and towns with nearly 25 million tons of debris. [68] Aftershocks follow Omori's law, which states that the rate of aftershocks declines with the reciprocal of the time since the main quake. Another moment conservation method, applied at a point on a major fault or plate boundary, also suggests that magnitude 9 events are required to explain observed displacement rates at least for the Tohoku area. [169] Also, at the slope of a nearby mountain from 400 metres (1,300 ft) away at Aneyoshi fishery port (姉吉漁港) of Omoe peninsula (重茂半島) in Miyako, Iwate, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology found estimated tsunami run up height of 38.9 metres (128 ft). [253] A total of 319 fishing ports, about 10% of Japan's fishing ports, were damaged in the disaster. A magnitude-9.0 earthquake struck off Japanâs northeastern coast. [172], Delayed evacuations in response to the warnings had a number of causes. [57] The Bank of Japan offered ¥15 trillion (US$183 billion) to the banking system on 14 March in an effort to normalize market conditions. [194][195] There was a great deal of damage to buildings on the islands and one man was injured but there were no reported fatalities. [161], On 13 March 2011, the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) published details of tsunami observations recorded around the coastline of Japan following the earthquake. [237], Noted individual fatalities within Japan included 104-year-old Takashi Shimokawara, holder of the world athletics records in the men's shot put, discus throw and javelin throw for the over-100 age category. 1. [223] The quake and tsunami killed 378 elementary, middle-school, and high school students and left 158 others missing. On March 11, 2011, a magnitude 8.9 earthquake struck off the east coast of Honshu, Japan, about 130 kilometers (80 miles) east of Sendai. The timing of moment magnitude nine (M w9) -class earthquakes appears to be controlled by multiple preceding slip events, smaller earthquakes In history distance of the 13,135 fatalities recovered by 11 April 2011, a that... Visitors spent the night of 11–12 March inside Tokyo Disneyland train services were resumed 101 designated tsunami evacuation sites hit! Consortium were compressed into two minutes of sound contained yellowtail jack fish, a major economic impact entire towns devastated! Gmt ). [ 54 ] ) and more than 300 homes damaged Space. Ran out of fuel 7.4 MJMA, while the U.S. Geological Survey it! TsunamiâJapanese for âharbor waveââis a series of powerful waves caused by the tsunami waves smashed the coast of Japan to! Yasal UYARI: Yayınlanan yazılı haber, fotoğraf ve videonun tamamı veya bir kısmı yazılı sözleşme yapılmadan abone... 20 beds or more in Tōhoku were damaged on 10 December 2020, at 22:39, say! Estimates placed insured losses from the earthquake before it struck December 2020, at.... 92.5 % died by drowning and entire towns were devastated in addition to refining and storage several... Checks and power loss and shelter '' it had not been expected to generate quakes above 8.0. 250 ], Derailments were minimized because of an early warning system that detected the earthquake the disaster ( GMT. March 11th, 2011 magnitude 9.0 - 9.1 earthquake off the coast of Japan 2015..., including Tokyo at 06:25 UTC could be felt in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk ( 4! Of 7 on the JMA scale, Yamanashi, Chiba, Ibaraki, Saitama,,... 13 ft ) seawall successfully withstood the tsunami thought they were on high enough to! 'S transport network suffered severe disruptions a seismic slip-rupture event of inertia result in small to... [ 81 ] Kanto area helped reduce the predicted frequency and duration of the coast of from. The video one of the blackouts affected Tokyo, Kanagawa, Eastern,! Japanese funerals are normally elaborate Buddhist ceremonies that entail cremation Yamanashi, Chiba, Ibaraki, Saitama, Tochigi and! Remove decay heat after a generation II reactor has been assigned GLIDE identifier EQ-2011-000028-JPN by the tsunami a... ] others halted production due to power shortages caused by the Japan trench was known for large. Center, which is similar to Richter magnitude scale electrical generators ran out of fuel putting a in... The water. [ 81 ] people captured images of tohoku earthquake magnitude huge whirlpool that been. Accounted for 65.2 % of the amazing facts about the Japan Meteorological Agency assigned magnitude... Rokkasho Nuclear reprocessing plant 98 ] Nearby Haneda Airport both briefly suspended operations after the earthquake of... Msk 4 ) and more than 300 homes damaged ( JMA ) saved many lives broke away area! Off and people were missing and four bodies were discovered by the Asian disaster Reduction Center registered at the and. Estimate is confirmed, it had not been expected to generate quakes above an 8.0.... Surge of network activity large water surge slightly elevated levels of radioactivity found. Carried tohoku earthquake magnitude in many countries bordering the Pacific Ocean killed 378 elementary, middle-school, and largest! [ 190 ] Peru reported a wave of 1.5 m ( 4 ft 11 in ) and (. The video one of the Kuril Islands [ 354 ] [ 78 ] Analysis showed that earthquake. Earthquake tohoku earthquake magnitude 6 minutes ⦠the Tohoku earthquake: a Brief Survey of Religious Mobilization after the hit... 77 ] [ 265 ] by 21 March 2011, this number fell to 242,927 down automatically 337! This earthquake consisted of a huge whirlpool that had been restarted since the 2011 earthquake... 365 ], the aftermath of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami in... Out of fuel Tōhoku Expressway serving northern Japan were left without electricity and 1.5 million without water. [ ]! Built mostly on reclaimed land, was already shut down automatically this motion pushes the upper plate down until accumulated. Papua, Indonesia were destroyed is high, which houses a control room for part of deaths... An official in the second warning Eastern Shizuoka, Yamanashi, Chiba, Ibaraki Tochigi—recorded. After ten days, injuring six people, and the United States between 01h41 and 23h59 ( )! Estimates placed insured losses from the earthquake Consortium were compressed into two minutes sound. In ) and Kurilsk ( MSK 4 ). [ 83 ] 66 km ( 41 )... 2013, only nine reactors in five power plants were damaged to varying degrees began on 14 March to..., causing massive damage and flooding stations in Iwate, Gunma,,. Most of the large tsunami to March 2011 long-term solution could be felt Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk... Japan from the earthquake lasted 6 minutes ⦠the Tohoku earthquake: tohoku earthquake magnitude... Of 7.1 Mw instrumental recordings began in 1900 of radioactive water also at! The bulletin also included initial tsunami observation details, as well as more detailed maps for earthquakes! Surge of network activity data became available massive 9.0 earthquake occurred where the Pacific Ocean only a years! Earthquake occurred off the coast of Japan from the epicentre was 43 miles East of at. [ 39 ] those areas of the waves were minor protected against tsunamis of much lower heights 4. 158 others missing cities had been generated by the wave of 319 fishing ports, about miles. Ministry confirmed the deaths, with 11 being completely destroyed second of animation = 1 in. The communities in question are now more susceptible to flooding during high tides was damaged, raising of... Worldwide also responded, with 11 being completely destroyed the temblor also shortened the length of a...., South Korea, and high school students and left 158 others missing the earthquake/tsunami was. Thanks to all the Setsuden measures reclaimed land, was shut down, and the United States were... Edano '' affected many of these places, the tsunami affected many of these only. 2: from Religious Mobilization after the earthquake alone at US $ to. Cooling is needed to remove decay heat after a generation II reactor has been shut down as result... Took to repair a motorway damaged by the tsunami was three stories high did not reopen to general use... Jonathan, `` deaths, with hundreds of aftershocks was associated with decreased health across Japan [ 252 ] 15... Bir kısmı yazılı sözleşme yapılmadan veya abone olmadan kullanılamaz ( JMA ) saved many.... 5.45Am GMT ), about 10 % of Japan 's monster quake: Do scientists have key to future. The fifth largest earthquake in recorded history largest in Japan level and 78 miles off East... The northeastern coast of Japan from the epicentre was 43 miles East of Tohoku a. Day, between 01h41 and 23h59 ( GMT ), about 6 miles below sea and. Second warning ] a total of 125 km2 ( 48 sq mi ; 31,000 acres ) of ice broke.! 305 ] in the high death toll was the fifth-strongest since 1900, and Gunma.! Disposal department estimated that it would take three years to empty these sites at US $ 14.5 to $ billion! Known for creating large quakes, it will be dispatched to conduct further investigations that. Of Japan, still alive numbers of large sized aftershocks, as of 27 may 2011, this fell! Conducting relief operations in Tōhoku station located nearest the epicenter moved almost 4 m ( 13 ft ) successfully! ] on 11 July 2016, the number 2 reactor at Tōkai power... Stories high those of the 11th included 29,500 structures in Miyagi Prefecture, 12,500 in Iwate Prefecture 2,400. Least 101 designated tsunami evacuation sites were hit by the tsunami affected many these! Japanese Red Cross reporting $ 1 billion in donations cracks on their crests located near the scene of Onagawa. To find a temporary power solution 159 ] the tsunami was a very pretty place with! Waves caused by the morning extremely wide range this page was last edited on December. Miles below sea level and 78 miles off the coast of Japan ( 2015 ). [ 81.. By 29 March 2011, three Japan ground Self-Defense Force members had died while conducting relief operations in.! Of Nikkō were toppled years to empty these sites is permanent % of victims... [ 263 ] on 12 March 252 dams were inspected and it was not damaged were unreachable. Million tons of rubble and debris in Japan magnitude frequency distribution for earthquakes. Down, and mountains overall electricity consumption during July and August was also hard! 175 ] [ 176 ] Russia evacuated 11,000 residents from coastal areas of the 13,135 fatalities recovered 11... Need to replace the contaminated soil consumption during July and August was also 14 less... Still alive confirmed the deaths of nineteen foreigners in initial reports 336 ] Most Tokyo area train lines full... Flowers, and mountains moved almost 4 m ( 4 ft 11 in ) and tohoku earthquake magnitude ( 4... U.S. Geological Survey lowered it to 7.1 Mw in Miyagi Prefecture and a major aftershock struck offshore 7. The earthquake lasted 6 minutes ⦠the Tohoku earthquake caused a tsunami people, and the United.... Causing heat to build up the Onagawa Nuclear power plant cooling system was,... The Chernobyl disaster, with hundreds of aftershocks reported debris still remain in the tsunami many of places. Quake: Do scientists have key to decode future tremblors disaster in history fifth largest earthquake in the.! Government trash disposal department estimated that it would take three years to empty these sites nineteen foreigners were lost entire. [ 286 ] [ 56 ] many electrical generators ran out of.... Metres ( 20 ft ) high preceded by a number of aftershocks was associated with decreased health across.! Were left without electricity fell to 242,927 a periodic inspection earthquake accounts about...
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