georgetown sfs course catalog
The Office of the University Registrar (OUR) facilitates the creation and publication of Georgetown’s Schedule of Classes and Course Catalog. The student is expected to present evidence to the Appeals Board that demonstrates cause for amending the initial decision. Proseminars are small interdisciplinary courses designed to train students in the academic reading and writing skills necessary for success in the SFS program. 3.000 Credit hours 3.000 Lecture hours Levels: Undergraduate Schedule Types: Independent Study, Seminar Government Department Course Attributes: SFS/CULP Social Science, SFS/IPOL International Law They are also recognized at the annual Tropaia ceremony during graduation weekend. Study global issues through a gender lens this Spring! Tardiness in scheduling an examination or rescheduling may result in a charge of $25.00. Students who are suspended or dismissed may appeal the decision of the Standards Committee by petitioning the School of Foreign Service Appeals Board. Students may fulfill the Humanities, Arts, Literature and Cultures (HALC) requirement from a list of pre-selected courses. Note: To view past presentations, use the search box on the Course Catalog Home Page The goal is to prepare students for professional discussions in a modern language other than English that occur in public, private and non-profit sectors of international affairs. Students should check with individual departments for language specific examination formats and criteria. Dismissed students may not register for or attend classes, attempt to complete a Georgetown degree, live in a residence hall, or participate in any activities reserved for students in good standing at Georgetown. All seniors are required to complete a Senior Review during the penultimate semester to obtain confirmation of final degree requirements and to apply for the degree. Spring 2021 First Year Grid Schedules. Thorough language study builds both linguistic competency and develops cultural literacy—a goal of the SFS curriculum. The Core Curriculum (“the Core”) offers students a deep foundation on which their major and elective courses are built while instilling values of citizenship and service. Participants are expected to comply with the laws of the country where they are studying and those of the countries in which they travel. Each entering first-year or transfer student is assigned to one of the Associate and Assistant Deans, who hold office hours on virtually every day of the academic year. Students who meet the criteria to graduate with honors in the major receive an honors citation on their final transcript. Students are also subject to all academic and disciplinary regulations of the host university. Washington, D.C. 20057-1005. Note that AP credit, Science for All courses, Core Pathways science courses and SFS science classes (INAF 100s) do not meet the STIA science prerequisite. Note: “full-time” status for the purpose of computing honors requires that a student be enrolled in at least twelve credits of coursework for which quality points are awarded. You can use this blog post as a resource for making your course selections for the upcoming semester — click through the course numbers to access the course descriptions and schedule on MyAccess. in Security Studies. Theories of international trade and international relations explain some of the regional interactions that have shaped history and are covered in the Regional History courses. Courses that are part of the sequence of language courses taken to prepare students to attain the foreign language oral proficiency requirement (or additional language proficiency certifications) must also be taken for a letter grade. Upon graduation, final academic honors are determined by the cumulative GPA. The curriculum consists of the SFS core or BSBGA core Curriculum, foreign language proficiency, major fields of study, optional minors, optional certificate programs and optional fellows programs. For example, game theory is introduced in ECON-001 Microeconomic Principles. With an enrollment of about 350 students per class, the undergraduate program of the School of Foreign Service offers an intimate setting within Georgetown University. The Standards Committee meets in closed session and the Committee’s decisions are communicated to students in writing. Research tutorials focus on the collection and analysis of primary materials in the form of a major research paper. Academic dismissal is noted on the transcript. Students must fulfill the foreign language proficiency requirement as outlined herein. There are a hundred thousand 4.0 students lined up around the block with resumes in hand. Students who are suspended may not transfer credits to Georgetown earned elsewhere during the suspension period. The School of Foreign Service modern language requirement forms part of Georgetown University’s mission to prepare students to be reflective, engaged and informed global citizens. Fall 2020 FREN-001 Introductory French IA. Fall 2020 First Year Grid Schedules. Consistent with Georgetown’s Jesuit identity, students approach international affairs with a concern for ethics and morality. Language classes occupy elective slots in the academic schedule. Successful completion of a course satisfying the core science requirement should significantly advance students’ progress toward the following learning goals: Overall, these courses will strive to give students a sense of the complexity of natural systems, the volume of evidence that scientists obtain and study, and the breadth and depth of scientific theory and analysis. Most SFS Graduate Certificates can be completed concurrently with the M.A. Seniors who have met all residency requirements may be part-time in the final semester. There are four ways a student can fulfill the language requirement. For more information, please refer to the Georgetown Office of Fellowships, Awards, and Research. For example, a reading course on the origins of the French Revolution might focus on the major historiographical interpretations of the Revolution as well as on critiques of this literature. The Office of Global Education has developed a range of study abroad programs that meet other needs, including intensive language study and directed field research. Please refer to individual sections for course descriptions. These options are listed below. Tutorials come in two varieties, reading courses and research tutorials: Please note: the material addressed in both reading courses and research tutorials should be defined in a way that allows you to finish all work for the tutorial by the end of the semester. The University core requirements are completed as follows: The primary goal of INAF-180 is to illustrate, in the context of a scientific discipline or disciplines, how scientific understanding is developed, tested, and revised, but not to provide a comprehensive summary of current knowledge in a particular discipline. Semester honors are recognized by a permanent notation on official transcripts. Eric Flanagan (SFS ’10) said that Map of the Modern World is among the most important courses in the SFS. While on probation, students are expected to complete at least twelve credit hours and earn a semester GPA of 2.00 as a full time student in twelve credit hours. they presume mastery of subjects covered by the SFS Core requirement courses); and. Tutorials that are taken for elective credit may be taken for a quality grade or on a pass/fail basis. Georgetown Law Curriculum Essays A student who successfully completes a one semester Georgetown-Approved direct matriculation study abroad program meets the language proficiency requirement. Students may appear in person to support their case. Course Descriptions: Health and the Public Interest Program The list of core and sample elective courses with the course descriptions are detailed below. The most typical flaw in undergraduate research projects is overestimating the amount of material that one can reasonably digest in a single semester or choosing a subject on which necessary data is unavailable. Students are required to take two Engaging Diversity courses, one domestic and one global. Georgetown SFS-Q Adds 10 New Courses 23 August 2014 Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar (SFS-Q) is delighted to announce that, in addition to the already diverse selection of classes open to students, it will be offering at least 10 new courses for the Spring 2013 semester never before available on the Doha campus. In rare circumstances, and with written approval of the Dean’s Office prior to the leave, students may be allowed to transfer a limited number of courses. ICC 600. SFS students studying at the Doha, Qatar campus must refer to the GU-Qatar specific academic policies. Students who successfully complete the seminar receive the Peter F. Krogh medal at the annual Tropaia ceremony during graduation weekend. To understand difficult global problems, SFS students need knowledge from many academic disciplines., Certification for Emerging Market Economy and Financial Analysts, Multinational Corporations & Global Value Chains, Political Economy of Cities: Latin America & Asia, Big Data in Business, Economics & Society, ENERGY: Players, Markets & Project Finance, The Modern Global Economy: Looking Forward: Policy & Business. This is a subject for careful planning and consultation with the curricular dean responsible for coordination of the major. While overseas, students should conduct themselves as guests, keeping in mind that they are subject to all the laws of the country while not necessarily enjoying the same privileges as nationals. Washington DC. Students have the flexibility to start their major studies early, to take extra foreign language credits, or to take free electives by having advanced credits, taking summer courses, or deferring some of the core courses until junior and senior years. Georgetown College Undergraduate Course Catalogs Georgetown College Undergraduate 2014/2015 Course Catalog.pdf Georgetown College Undergraduate 2015/2016 Course Catalog.pdf A complex issue like war, for example, requires students to understand politics, economics, history, science, religion, and culture, among other areas of study. Required language proficiency enables cultural literacy and communication, helping students identify opportunities and anticipate problems in other countries and among other people. One of their primary responsibilities is to help students work out an academic program that will enable them to complete their studies on schedule while also pursuing interests in elective subjects. The second philosophy requirement may be fulfilled by any course from PHIL 001-199. Georgetown University students are expected to remain observers of political activities rather than participants. Only programs on this list are eligible to fulfill the language proficiency requirement. Law students looking for the schedule of classes on the law campus should use the curriculum guide. Courses sponsored by the School appear under International Affairs (prefix “INAF”), each of the majors, and several of the SFS centers and programs. Credit will not be granted toward the hours requirements for the degree. This pattern begins during the first year and continues to develop. Successful completion means that a student has taken a full-time course load and passed each course as outlined in the academic policy for each program developed by the Office of Global Education. Students studying at the Georgetown University in Qatar campus in Doha, Qatar, can refer to the Georgetown University in Qatar Bulletin section for requirement information, for specific classes and timelines for completing the Core requirements at that campus. Undergraduates may pursue scholarships toward internships, travel for academic research, study abroad opportunities, economic conferences, and more. Every semester academic honors are noted on full-time students’ transcripts based on their grade point average for that semester. Unlike traditional discipline-based majors, SFS majors have two characteristics: The two characteristics highlighted above are apparent within each of the majors. Students must attain a final cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or better. For example, the professors who teach freshmen proseminars typically take an interest in their students and are prepared to offer general advice and support. Georgetown University. The Standards Committee is comprised of the BSFS Associate and Assistant Deans. Department of History. The final decision of the Appeals Board is communicated to the student in writing. Washington, DC 20057 Visit Georgetown College Main Site. Use these links or the left navigation to see these different sections. The School of Foreign Service offers undergraduates a wide range of fellowships and programs for research and study. In addition to the obvious examples of physics, chemistry, and biology, this includes the geosciences and emergent interdisciplinary fields such as neuroscience and environmental sciences, as well as others. Students cannot take a language course pass/fail. The course has three main objectives: 1. To determine whether or not new evidence exists that would warrant a different sanction from that which was assigned by the Standards Committee. Regulations particular to the School of Foreign Service include, but are not limited to the following: At the conclusion of each semester, the Committee on Academic Standards (Standards Committee) convenes to review the academic records of all undergraduates in the School of Foreign Service. Seniors who do not pass the examination in April may be able to retake the exam in May. Direct matriculation means that a student was directly enrolled in courses offered by a partner university on a Georgetown-Approved program. The intergovernmental game is developed further to understand trade treaty negotiations in ECON-242/243 International Economics/Trade. Students must fulfill the requirements of a major from the School of Foreign Service. The proficiency exam is separate from the final course exam and is evaluated on a pass or fail basis. In spring 2020, Science, Technology and International Affairs Lecturer Clare Fieseler launched a new Science for All course called Rising Seas, Warming Oceans. The Appeals Board deliberates in closed session. Finally, you will be taught to conduct independent research. Counseling about course choices takes place in the Dean’s Office. P. 202-687-5974 Boring. Becoming a political activist may endanger one’s safety or that of one’s colleagues in the program, and will almost certainly jeopardize the program itself. Failure to apply for the degree by the designated deadline may necessitate the postponement of graduation. At the dean’s discretion, students may still be required to take a language placement test or language proficiency exam during the first semester to verify whether further coursework is needed to obtain language proficiency. Students with more than one outstanding incomplete course may be directed to take a leave of absence or be directed to enroll in a partial schedule. Students who meet the foreign language oral proficiency requirement with their native language must have the completion of this requirement confirmed by the appropriate language department by the end of their first academic year. 37th and O St NW All the academic regulations governing the regular curriculum are applicable to tutorials. Students are required to complete at least half of the coursework for an SFS major at Georgetown. Pass/fail grades are not awarded quality points. Please select a Catalog term and choose Submit to proceed to the Course Search page. F. +1 (202) 687-5878 Humanities: Arts, Literature, and Cultures (HALC) course, THEO-001 Problem of God or THEO-011 Biblical Literature, INAF-180 SFS Science or other approved Science for All course, Non-Western Regional History (or regional seminar course, with permission). Students survey theories of war and peace – … Students are, therefore, encouraged to develop appropriate plans for international study in conjunction with their educational program at the School. For detailed information on each of the honor societies open to School of Foreign Service students, please see the section Honors and Awards in this bulletin. Phone: (202) 687-6061. For information on Latin Honors please see the Undergraduate Bulletin section on Studying, Grades and Credit. The School grounds the study of international affairs in the liberal arts, with students examining a range of problems in the world today from many perspectives, including economics, history, and political science. Knowledge of International Trade and Finance are vital in international affairs. Students in the School of Foreign Service interested in setting up a tutorial must meet five conditions: 1) the subject of the tutorial is not available as a regular University course; 2) there is an intellectually compelling reason for studying this subject as part of the undergraduate degree; 3) a faculty member with the appropriate expertise is available and willing to offer the tutorial; 4) the Department Chair and the director of the undergraduate program, approve the request; 5) the appropriate paperwork is submitted to the Dean’s Office in a timely fashion (note: forms to request approval for tutorials are available online). Recent SFS science courses include The Science of Extinction and De-Extinction and Examining Crises Through the Lens of Science. 2020-2021 Graduate Catalog Graduate Courses Graduate Programs Graduate Academic Policies. Prior approval for such courses must be obtained from the SFS Dean’s Office. To understand science as a set of methods of inquiry that involve forming and testing hypotheses through the analysis of quantitative and qualitative data. Advising for BSBGA Students is outlined on the BSBGA page of this Bulletin. The SFS Core Curriculum lays the academic foundation for entry into one of eight interdisciplinary majors that will be outlined below. These courses should also enhance and broaden students’ appreciation of the significant role that science plays in their daily lives. A student may take the proficiency exam on-site at the end of a Georgetown-Approved, summer intensive language program that offers the exam. A list of relevant programs is available online. Students who pass the proficiency exam are able to sustain a discussion dealing with current events and demonstrate familiarity with relevant historical, cultural, political, and economic information. The backbone of any reading tutorial is a substantial reading list put together with the help of the supervising professor. A minimum of 60 credits must be completed in residence. Previous Course Schedules. CORE COURSES For more information about major/minor requirements, please visit our requirements page. HELP | EXIT: Catalog Entries Spring 2019 Sep 29, 2020. This requirement prepares students to be responsible, reflective, self-aware and respectful global citizens. Students must declare their intended major between the end of add/drop in the fall semester of second year and beginning of fall registration in the spring of second year or be subject to academic sanctions. Usually, a two-member board conducts the exam. Students from the School of Foreign Service are very successful competitors for a variety of post-graduate fellowships and scholarships, including the DAAD, Fulbright, Luce, Marshall, Mellon, Rhodes, and Truman. SFS students take the SFS Core (Proseminar, Government, History, Economics and Map of the Modern World) or the BSBGA Core in addition to the University Core requirements (Science, Theology, Philosophy, Writing, HALC and Engaging Diversity). Of these three courses, one must be designated an “early” history and one must be designated a “late” history. Students must complete a minimum of six semesters of university study, four of which must be full-time and in residence in the School of Foreign Service. To determine whether or not the Standards Committee made significant and material error in its procedures or in its application of academic policy; and. The School of Foreign Service educates the next generation of world leaders. Georgetown Law Curriculum Guide. Students with more than one incomplete course in a given term who are unable to complete their work by the start of the next term must review that term’s total course load with their Dean. Participants must be full-time students while overseas, unless their dean has given preapproval for a reduced course load. “It instills in the students a strong knowledge of the wider world and the forces and … Courses that fulfill requirements for core curriculum, major, minor, certificate or fellows programs must be taken for a letter grade. Such direct matriculation puts a premium on post-advanced knowledge of the appropriate language and is most feasible in countries in which French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese (or English) are the languages of instruction. Chinese: All Courses Fall 2014 Spring 2015 Fall 2015 Fall … “The course represents what the SFS is about,” Flanagan said. The structure and format of the course encourage students to explore new ideas and to develop critical approaches to the study of global issues. The full-time residency requirement, as outlined in the Matriculation section of Academic Regulations, must be fulfilled as a SFS student. Balestra FREN-011 Intensive Basic FrenchS. Students who fail the exam should consult with a member of the appropriate language department about the additional coursework necessary to prepare for reexamination. A course designed to develop supervisory management skills to include communications, techniques of critique, social actions, personnel evaluation procedures, problem-solving, and role playing. A full course load is considered to be the same as that of a regular full-time degree candidate at the host university, as defined in the courseload and grading policy developed for each program by the Office of Global Education. The deans continue to provide support to students during junior and senior years on a wide variety of subjects, including study abroad. Students are required to complete one natural science course chosen from the list of courses approved for the requirement. The SFS curriculum teaches students to appreciate the influence of culture on international affairs. SEST-500 is designed to provide a conceptual and substantive foundation for the M.A. Only at Georgetown The McDonough School of Business and Walsh School of Foreign Service now jointly offer a Bachelor of Science in Business and Global Affairs featuring: An innovative approach to understanding complex interactions at the intersection of business, geopolitics, and global policy A four-year sequence of new signature courses designed and co-taught by the […] Students must fulfill the requirements of the. The proseminars offer some of Georgetown’s finest professors the opportunity to teach and serve as mentors to first-year students. Select the Course Number to get further detail on the course. For more questions concerning the course catalog and courses offered at Georgetown, please contact the Registrar's Office. This scale makes it possible for students, faculty members, and deans to interact with one another on a personal basis. These courses were conducted in a language other than English and were the same courses offered to degree candidates at that university. All undergraduate students in the School of Foreign Service are expected to enroll in a modern language class each semester, for a letter grade, until they have met the proficiency requirement. Use the search panel on the left to find and narrow down courses of interest. Undergraduate students are expected to be full-time. Students must successfully complete a minimum 120 credits. All candidates for a Bachelor’s degree from the School of Foreign Service must complete the following requirements: The curriculum is governed by the SFS Curriculum Committee, and is delivered and administered by the faculty and the SFS Curricular Deans. Students complete many of the core courses during their freshman and sophomore years. A list of approved programs is available online. All course assignments and examinations must be completed by the time of departure from the country at the end of the semester. curriculum. Georgetown, with its commitment to the Jesuit tradition, believes that modern men and women should consider reflectively their relationship to the world, their fellow humans, and God. Home ▸ Course Descriptions: Spring 2021 Undergraduate-Level Courses. Most examinations entail: a) a reading comprehension component in which the student is given time alone to read an article on a topic in international affairs; b) an oral conversation in which the student is asked to summarize the article, to answer questions relating to it, and to respond to questions on the culture and civilization of the language area. Be a well rounded, interesting individual that stands out. they allow students the opportunity to draw upon courses from departments across the University). Students work with the academic advising staff in both SSP and the department offering the certificate to map out their course plans to accommodate the requirements of a certificate program in conjunction with their SSP requirements. Students will learn the science behind these challenges, often drawing on multiple scientific fields. Language Requirement: MSFS students must pass a language proficiency examination, for which course work may or may not be required, depending on the student’s level of proficiency. Students must successfully complete a minimum of 38 courses (each with at least 3 credits) and 120 credits. Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security. The majors are interdisciplinary (i.e. Students who have already taken these courses or AP equivalents before coming to Georgetown can request approval to … The final decision of the project demands ( HALC ) requirement from a list of pre-selected.... Mirsharif, S.A. 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