logistical issues in research

47 31 Published December 19, 2020 | By admin. Human relation issues related to research. Oftentimes what seems like a streamlined process on paper does not necessarily pan out as such in actual implementation. (2018). The government has set up a National Traders’ Welfare Board aimed at welfare of traders and their employees, simplification of the Acts and rules applicable to traders, reduction of compliance burden and improvement in access to funds for traders. Issues in Qualitative Research . In contrast, formulating the research question and performing the literature review were less likely to be an issue for medical researchers. Right to privacy, . The era of one fits all type of service providing has ended. In contrast, formulating the research question and performing the literature review were less likely to be an issue for medical researchers. Moreover, the biggest concerns are the legislative policies that are supportive regarding environmental protection or issues in the industry (Govindan, Soleimani, & Kannan, 2015). a The complete set forms the most cohesive and comprehensive reference of current research in transportation science. . In this section, we point out several of the most important issues andhottopicsinrecentresearch,whichdrawsgreatattention from both academy and industry. A Leading Journal of Supply Chain … https://doi.org/10.1108/09600030210434143. K�b$�pr�'ac�x情��JS3ml�3wRmͽ��_����p;���:� r�@7������ y��h\�.Ƅ�; �(.�*��F� >L˓ �D�v�n���\el��jUZR�_�T��L�� &����B{��*���$���͞���0mͭ�RֱQ�Mp���^�D��Jզ���U�� Ik �\��{i+�_5���% �5|�7F�ji�l� 0000028631 00000 n :k۬q�=�gfo���v���j�T �^�'�ߞ�s�Gμw�Ο3߰ h���,b���\������O Firearms research is often a fraught field. There has been consensus that logistics as well as supply chain management is a vital research field, yet with few literature reviews on this topic. Methodologic and logistic issues in conducting longitudinal birth cohort studies: lessons learned from the Centers for Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research. 280-282. There are logistical issues surrounding the research process that need to be addressed. xref 0000029345 00000 n [�&P�.�X��N�*����V�j[��:gzn�K�L=��3s�_������߽��C�����{���n�,1�]�L'�l��S������� }a�Ϻ�b>�\2f���sA�G���U��F��LNWɎƧ��dI����U�q Hot Issues Due to the extensive research ranges in operations manage-ment of logistics and supply chain management, we cannot possibly make a comprehensive review in one paper. Lv 4. Third, we need to develop criteria for evaluating action research case studies. 0000021725 00000 n Log in | Register Cart. In other words, logistical aspects of the research process seem to be the major sources of problems in medical research. 32 No. 4 years ago. 0000001377 00000 n human resources and organizational issues;. This should also be reflected in published logistics research, which it is not. RE: What is a logistical issue? So if you are talking logistical issues then you are talking about what problems you would have to overcome resettling or moving from one place to another. Purpose/objectives: This analysis explores ethical issues and challenges in participant recruitment. 0000021378 00000 n Anonymous. International Review of Research in Emerging Markets and the Global Economy (IRREM) An Online International Research Journal (ISSN: 2311-3200) 2015 Vol: 1 Issue 2 364 www.globalbizresearch.org Logistics in India: Challenges and Scope S. Ramachandran, Director, AMET B-School, Chennai, India. 7.2 AN OVERVIEW Throughout the process of data collection, the problem of persuading participants to cooperate with the researcher and participate in the research is ever present. Thus action research case studies are especially suited for an applied field such as logistics since they strive to advance both science and practice. 0000024238 00000 n 108, 2014, p. 3-14. Background/rationale: The clinical nurse specialist (CNS) as researcher faces many issues and challenges, including ethical issues of informed consent. If you think you should have access to this content, click the button to contact our support team. �h���D�$�H��RY��ae�X%�c����R$cEb�~�X�(V�EJ��`����Թ�d��qGD��ن x!J�!�A��&B#K��[�[�#�(D�5����$��� 11�t�����q�87�����]6���Lc�X?���\y�|�? 0000028505 00000 n 1 0. detkowski. 0000029111 00000 n %PDF-1.6 %���� Dhanoa Friday said that while on paper the Chinese Air Force has huge capability, a lot of natural and logistics factors are flying against it. Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. SCM. 0000027878 00000 n Nowadays, such topics might include city logistics, emergency logistics, and agriculture supply chain. Learn more. Today’s logistics customers demand flexibility and visibility. ETHICS IN RESEARCH PRESENTED BY JIYA G PANTHANALIL IST YEAR MSC NURSING NIMHANS, BANGALORE 3. Title: Defence Logistics Special Issue Editorial: An Important Research Field in Need of Researchers Abstract ... Increasing academic interest in defence logistics issues Research in defence logistics began to appear in peer-reviewed journals in the 1950s, with much of the activity taking place within the confines of the think tanks mentioned above. In addition, face-to-face interviews are adopted as well. 0000001535 00000 n Editorial to the first issue of Logistics Research Peter Klaus Published online: 6 February 2009 Springer-Verlag 2009 Dear Readers, Current estimates of annual logistics spending are in the order of 900 billion Euros for the European Community, of 1,400 billion Dollars in the United States, of about 4,000 billion Dollars worldwide. Näslund, D. (2002), "Logistics needs qualitative research – especially action research", International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 0000012406 00000 n Doing the right thing – ethical issues in logistics and supply chain. Margaret Staples, Mark Elwood, D JB St John, F Howes, K Pedersen. Changing customer needs Now logistics solutions must be tailored to the customers’ needs. Logistics is a huge industry. The deployment of culturally and ethically sensitive research techniques is important and research on these issues in a logistics context is needed. . Issues and Challenges in Luxembourg Logistics Market 18.1. 47 0 obj <> endobj ���a0�L&%%0���%--� �[@ ��p���b5��>��S�f1�I2�1ڳ�\�̨���� 7����NSv�����6�z�=Bc�8�0�;�`�2G�U��\@�f�� �$��\��;��c`�u��z` ˺]m Towards this end, most current research topics in procurement and logistics management deal with interconnected disciplines. There should be full transparency in orders and all stages from raw material stage to the final sale must be […] ETHICAL AND LOGISTICAL ISSUES Ethical issues in research must be addressed by the logistics of the research plan. 0000002303 00000 n Here are some of the major issues mentioned below. Despite the logistical complexity and added expenses, all centers emphasize the importance of studying the impact of environmental exposures on those children most at risk, those living in minority and low-income communities. Importance in Business and Industry: Reverse logistics (RL) have the importance in the business and the industry, as there is the major focus on the reuse of products and materials. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications: Vol. The traditional research in this regard is related to perishable product, fashion product, and electronic product, which have short life cycle. It helps the business in ensuring effectiveness and efficiency. However, the paper is not a pure criticism of the use of quantitative research methods in general or in logistics in specific. Nowadays, logistics solutions must be tailored to each customer. 5 years ago. logistical definition: 1. relating to the careful organization of a complicated activity: 2. relating to the careful…. ADVANCE RESEARCHADVANCE RESEARCH METHODSMETHODS MUHAMMAD SHAFIQMUHAMMAD SHAFIQ Lecturer 5Lecturer 5 Ethical Issues in Business ResearchEthical Issues in Business Research 2. x�b```b``������������bl,��(0�,�P(��qQ�|�VP~��츃Ȁ�M��Sc3���� �/�$����(��n��m`T�k�E�K�^�'P%P��E}�~�,A-Pp�4LlWPɶ�1y�x:f�� Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Research › peer-review. Not all ethical and logis-tical issues are discussed in this report, only those that were found by the CPCCRN to be problematic to mul-ticenter parental bereavement research. Company Profiles of Major Players In Luxembourg Logistics … You can join in the discussion by joining the community or logging in here.You can also find out more about Emerald Engage. 0000021469 00000 n Take care of the Law for private data, Take care how you obtain and use secondary data, If somebody agrees to participate in the research it does not mean that he agrees, about the way you discuss the data received. 0000020901 00000 n . 21, Special Issue for the 21st Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, pp. 2. Humanitarian logistics is a critical element of an effective disaster relief process. Diplomacy thus complicates an already massive and costly logistical problem. The most surprising finding is that triage operations management approaches assume that there is an adequate supply of medical commodities and that the surge capacity of dispensing centers is, in most of the cases, infinite. 0000024752 00000 n There are several issues which have to be considered by researchers in analyzing the data obtained from observation research. 0000013193 00000 n RESULTS: Ethical and logistical challenges encountered by the CPCCRN included issues of privacy; confidentiality; voluntariness; minimizing risks; working with multiple institutional review boards; researcher qualifications, training and support; and methods of data collection. Noting that the probability of a conflict between India and China can never be ruled out, former IAF chief Air Chief Marshal (ACM) B.S. �Y�U��v첦3�=�E��N�E��+�m�M�*��Қ:�!ES���Y9l�`�_��]f.]l~D>`��H�{"޷�X�J2K�O With the aim of introducing virtual ethnography as a methodological lens, this chapter discusses logistical and ethical issues associated with it in the context of a research project that examined the interactions between a group of newly admitted students at a private university within a university-operated Facebook group. 5 years ago. 0 Across the whole research process, medical researchers experienced on average three (2.8) of 14 difficulties and only one out of … You may be able to access this content by logging in via Shibboleth, Open Athens or with your Emerald account. See more. 0000021559 00000 n ETHICAL ISSUESETHICAL ISSUES • Philosophical questionsPhilosophical questions • Societal normsSocietal norms • Codes of behaviorCodes of behavior 3. 1 Our group first implemented a small QI project to circumvent this. New logistical issues in using electric vehicle fleets with battery exchange infrastructure. You may be able to access teaching notes by logging in via Shibboleth, Open Athens or with your Emerald account. ��&TP������E�b0��o�1�]��� ���D�?��@__�h,�Y�A�o�E�T���2PB@�W8��>g���\��{�� ����t$�ޘ l+�!pl$$�2EoL��3��J��hU26mF�� Research approaches addressing issues of triage management operations also rely on several assumptions that may contradict with real-world problems. endstream endobj 48 0 obj<> endobj 49 0 obj<> endobj 50 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 51 0 obj<> endobj 52 0 obj<> endobj 53 0 obj<> endobj 54 0 obj<>stream Modern logistics is based on holistic and systemic thinking and uses multi‐disciplinary and cross‐functional approaches. Logistical Considerations While it may be possible to use creative and innovative means to provide voter education solutions that address all voters, finding the right solution often means finding balance between the ideal and the practical. Definition Of Logistical. New project topics on logistics and supply chain management must hence relate to the most up-to-date and relevant issues in the discipline. 18. First, the logistics issue regarding the people’s livelihood becomes a hot spot. Ethical Issues related to research 3. In today’s global economies, logistics is a key facilitator of trade, and hence an important factor in rising prosperity and welfare. Ethical issues during the design and initial access stages. Specifically, the Article will explore questions regarding the extent to which juveniles can be expected to … One significant cause is a lack of federal funding due to a law called the Dickey Amendment. Ethics and logistics are therefore highly interrelated. Efficiency created by Operations Research helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Thus action research case studies are especially suited for an applied field such as logistics since they strive to advance both science and practice. 6. Perceived impact on clinical practice and logistical issues in clinical management surveys of cancer: Australian experience . SOURCE: THE PRINT . Logistic definition, of or relating to logistics. Definition Of Logistical. 115, pp. Next, the roundtable panelists will discuss some logistical issues that arise when doing disability-related research, including recruiting, modifying data collection instruments, using scales, providing accommodations, conducting interviews and focus groups, and obtaining research funding. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. Natural resources are scarce and not evenly distributed in terms of type and geographical location in the world. In the past few days, Pfizer BioNTech, a German-United States company, and the US company Moderna have separately announced that the Covid-19 vaccines they have been developing have proved 95 … Continue reading "COMMENTARY — Logistical challenges predicted to … The supply chain management involves a network of organizations that collaborate to achieve similar goals. 0 0. Second, new directions o… 0000003016 00000 n Ch05 ethical issues in business research 1. Business Research Methods William G. Zikmund Chapter 5: Ethical Issues in Business Research 2. Research on port logistics and coastal economic development. implementation and improvement issues in logistics services. 0000001659 00000 n Ethical issues in observation research are very subtle and could be missed by researchers. as the main research method to illustrate and present what and how questions. 77 0 obj<>stream Ethical Issues • Philosophical questions • Societal norms • Codes of behavior 3. Summary and conclusion. 1. OR methods can optimize supply chains with the most environmental friendly set-up. Visit emeraldpublishing.com/platformupdate to discover the latest news and updates, Answers to the most commonly asked questions here, (California State University, Fullerton, California, USA). In: Bai, X. and Zhou, H. Slow Adaptation of Business Models 19. 4 years ago. Noting that the probability of a conflict between India and China can never be ruled out, former IAF chief Air Chief Marshal (ACM) B.S. View Logistics Issues and Challenges Research Papers on Academia.edu for free. Anonymous. 0000001315 00000 n of subject matter and issues.” Despite attempts to stabilize the various aspects of logistics/SCM reality into models and methods, it still seems to be an ever-moving target. H�lTyTSW/�D� ������ש�S�Z�.@TT�q!"!�@IX’��. Operations Research methods can show the trade-offs between costs and emissions. 113-114. Source(s): https://shorte.im/bb8o3. Lv 4. The research involves observation and interaction with groups and hence it is likely that ethical issues can arise. Home All Journals International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications List of Issues Volume 23, Issue 6 2019 Impact Factor . Algorithms applied to every order help mitigate issues like driver shortages and increased road congestion. This paper describes how qualitative research methods, particularly action research case studies, can contribute to further advance and develop logistics research. There are many challenges facing this industry today. In a recent survey based on interviews with 62 international supply chain executives as well as over 1800 respondents from the logistics and manufacturing industry found that the top priority for logistics managers was “meeting customer expectations” followed by “on-time delivery”. Green transportation also implies efficiency in using transportation equipment. startxref So if you are talking logistical issues then you are talking about what problems you would have to overcome resettling or moving from one place to another. 4.3. 0000000916 00000 n �MqA�3�_�7��H]�& c��4��Ϸ�H@��@�.L!&�L��#� �~R? From the above analysis, we can absorb the following insights and future directions in the area of operations research of logistics and supply chain management. Logistics has achieved greater prominence within business with increased awareness of its operational, strategic, and financial impact on business success. %%EOF Eskenazi B(1), Gladstone EA, Berkowitz GS, Drew CH, Faustman EM, Holland NT, Lanphear B, Meisel SJ, Perera FP, Rauh VA, Sweeney A, Whyatt RM, Yolton K. Ethical issues during the data collection stage. This Special Issue (SI) is open to researchers throughout the world interested in applying advanced operations research (OR) methodologies to address significant research issues pertinent to humanitarian logistics in response to epidemic outbreaks. 0000000016 00000 n 0 0. The Pfizer/BioNTech Covid vaccine could pose some “logistical issues” if it is approved for widespread use because it needs to be stored at ultra low temperatures, experts have said. This proves that companies that enter into business to business relationships have a greater chance of improving on logistics efficiency. 8���'8�8�ȝ��� :��p���A���h��k�,^�k�XV|�j��=�L�����y:\P4j?3��g�NO;�_>�e�|����uH�3DSЈ_��=�����K߇���T�xZ��f�7�8��5NM^]kH`#62�UH z��`�0D��d�؟���s�U�1ю� dHN1�)��Rr}X���ܖLkj����r��5��{`p�;�H�b4�5M]-��V+�������*hx;��h)�V�i���;;x�u{ :("U��$i��i����X>l?輩� �]2����(ޝ�v�n��!���3�y80�g�>�gf����y��Q.�iD�x ^Wb�(az�*�XZ�>_C�8\u��Th. international logistics; and. The objective of this monograph is to discuss research issues and potential actions surrounding the new field of humanitarian logistics. In their struggle to ensure optimum results, here are the top challenges faced by logistics managers today: Cutting Transportation Costs; Growing fuel prices increased wages, and peaking inflation indexes all work in tandem to increase transportation costs daily. Road Congestion 18.2. Scandinavia has also produced a single contribution discussing doctoral dissertations within logistics and SCM. �N yL>"���א-3�Ѧ��r[u�Ws�`�G�N��ݪ��TY�[�V!�kēK~p�H��� �X=Pq���il������_���p�Jbǃ�r����Rb�x�����a�q�X�Yy�?R��`��[�+O4�{����� ��� gs�������&so�ʖ{��k4�_p}x����K�g������~R�����5�f�������܄4����e������6kY/��J�HFٹ���oz�N�>�k���;����/ע��00��� g��RP��M �z���1m1g�ѳ�h/��U*Y�4F��/�1g�h�`ؾ���T�\6��LJ2(����7��{ҿ��� ���b��|5c%���_�D���]������j j�L��9'��5��Z-[mw���z�P��u�( Ethical Issues • Philosophical questions • Societal norms • Codes of behavior 3. 0000012772 00000 n this Article will assert that there are ethical and logistical issues unique to the juvenile justice process that present difficulties in conveying this information. 0000011855 00000 n 0000021196 00000 n -_Ի[�`q��K Read the latest issue and learn how to publish your work in International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications. 2.152 International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications. INTRODUCTION • Research contributes to nursing knowledge • Research influence patient care standards • Professional nurses are obliged to ensure safe, robust and ethical research … Inventory and Transportation Management on Speci c Fields. 0000021287 00000 n 0000020108 00000 n ���� �*-�=�Bۈ&�1i�\/�)�|(ز���$� Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.The coastal economy has different levels of development and characteristics of resources. In order to change this situation, we first have to understand paradigms and their influence on how we approach and evaluate research. PDF | On Feb 2, 2018, David A. Menachof and others published Doing the right thing – ethical issues in logistics and supply chain | Find, read and cite all the research … Discuss the logistical issues related to research. Operations Research contributes to green logistics in many ways. Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. Rather, the argument is that it is necessary to use both quantitative and qualitative methods if we really want to develop and advance logistics research. Can’t rule out probability of Ladakh skirmish, but China faces logistical issues — Dhanoa. Hong, Y.T., 2020. Logistics problems are often ill‐structured, even messy, real‐world problems. In other words, logistical aspects of the research process seem to be the major sources of problems in medical research. Source(s): https://shorte.im/bb8o3. Full transparency of orders, visibility from raw material stage to final goods sale, and reverse logistics have almost become standard for some commodity groups. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. In addition, we generate some insights and future research directions in this field. Second, we have to define what case studies in journal articles mean. With too many variables in global logistics and many different parties getting involved, keeping above level of service might be challenging at times. The paper also describes limitations with the current dominance of quantitative (especially survey) research in logistics. This paper sets out to propose some hot issues in the current research, through a review of related literature from the perspective of operations management. Logistics and supply chain management (SCM) have both received im- mense management attention during the last decades as a means to improve com-pany performance. You can find the separate posts on Next, the roundtable panelists will discuss some logistical issues that arise when doing disability-related research, including recruiting, modifying data collection instruments, using scales, providing accommodations, conducting interviews and focus groups, and obtaining research funding. Because of the Dickey Amendment, there is little federal research money available for scientific investigation of issues related to firearms safety. Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review 321-338. https://doi.org/10.1108/09600030210434143. _!�� n�cq=�!�9�^]�R-���[JB��u� ZyX���^�ִ�hjhlih�Lv|8��ѡt܍�[G������L�@T�#:�c�q����0yE�Ϧ��'�z�2�RTT\�X,��TY1Vl).�P�e&�>?ۘ�d�t:�wLX�� X��a��s��q"��B�@���� ��\�����+�=1Q��Hlc;�oV��'���+�a�/�(���U�u (eds. By examining shipping orders for variables such as order size, type and destination and combining them with local variables like street restrictions (one way, no trucks over a certain size, etc.) Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. and fees (tolls, border taxes, etc. The research topics in procurement and logistics management would help in exploring and conducting an in-depth analysis of the importance of procurement. 5, pp. ��xq��J��ϨM�?��x�����O�?e���E+E5��7 These issues Balancing participant expectations of care with the research purpose is often challenging. 7th International Business Research Conference 19 | Page Indian Education Society's Management College and Research Centre Impact of Technology on Logistics and Supply Chain Management Rajiv Bhandari F-303, Arenja Complex, Sector 8, C.B.D Belapur Navi Mumbai 400614, 9819884293 Logistics and supply chain issues are more important today than ever before. Ethics Qualitative Research has several unique concerns in the protection of human subjects. TAM International LP joins Canadian Nuclear Isotope Council to help address logistical issues in Canadian isotope supply chain Dec 21, 2020 Global leader in finding end-to-end solutions for transportation of radioactive materials becomes latest member of coalition of science, health care and nuclear sector advocating for life-saving medical isotopes 1. In 2001, Mentzer et al. ), Advances in Water Resources, Environmental Protection, and Sustainable Development. trailer Ch05 ethical issues in business research 1. Business Research Methods William G. Zikmund Chapter 5: Ethical Issues in Business Research 2. To rent this content from Deepdyve, please click the button. Lack of standardization in the research process for distance education research. b�JIH ���I��JB� r� x�".�ZQ���3m�_�ٙ����=����/�Zlwg��:s���>��c���NJ&5�/z�oH���X�(��Y���9��S�"'�{}. 0000020551 00000 n 0000028153 00000 n Modern logistics is based on holistic and systemic thinking and uses multi‐disciplinary and cross‐functional approaches. / Mirchandani, Pitu; Adler, Jonathan; Madsen, Oli B.G. In: Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 0000021834 00000 n 1 0. detkowski. 0000003216 00000 n <<9D43C18EB3570946820EE48ACE8459DC>]>> This Site Might Help You. National policies on e-commerce, retail trade, logistics, industry in final stage of drafting: Som Parkash. (5) Universities with logistics research traditions are not the only ones turning out PhDs in logistics and logistics-related areas. As such in actual implementation research process seem to be the major sources problems... 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