how old was aisha when she married muhammad shia
History as recorded is not an authentic source to formulate an opinion. (EIN: 95-4348674). The suggestion for the Prophet to marry Aisha came from Hawla bint Hakim, the wife of Uthman ibn Maz'un, someone not from the family. Looking especially at necessity, some scholars focused on the date being 614; when this date is taken, Aisha either had not been born or had just been born. Asma’ b. Abi Bakr al-Siddiq…she was the sister of ʿA’yshah through her father’s [side i.e. When this information is combined with her name being on the list of the first Muslims, we get the result that Aisha's date of birth was probably 606. If A’yshah was seven years of age when she converted to Islam (the first year of the Prophetic mission), she would have been twenty-two years old in the second year after the Hijrah (the year she was officially wed to the Messenger of Allah) [7 + 13 + 2 = 22]. Lady 'Aisha was the one who narrated the details of this love through numerous accounts in which the scent of love enveloped her words. Muslim, 3/463; Mu'jam al-Kabir, 2/285, 286; Mu'jam al-Awsat, 12/145; Ibn Hisham, Sira, 1/243. According to most of our companions, she was born five years after Nubuwwah, her age at the time of marriage should be nine, ten or eleven years because she married Ali a year after migration, and it is said two years after migration, and it is also said that three years after migration. Derg. Ahmad al-Arna’ut and Turki Mustafa (Dar Ihya’ al-Turath: Beirut, 1420 /2000), IX: 36. See: Ibn Kathir al-Dimashqi, Ismaʿil b. [It has been narrated] from al-Hafiz Abi Naʿim [who] said: Asma’ was born twenty seven-years before the Hijrah of the Messenger of Allah (S). Aisha was born 613 or early 614. JazakAllah - you have done plenty of research to make your point. i realized that this article need update. The opinions expressed herein, through this post or comments, contain positions and viewpoints that are not necessarily those of IslamiCity. }. The sources also show that Aisha was prepubescent. Ibn Hisham, Sira, 1/271; Ibn Ishaq, Sira, Konya, 1981, 124. I'm indifferent about what he will choose to do. What the disbeleivers do is from shaytan. Al-Dhahabi [d. 748 A.H/1347 C.E], on the other hand, claims that Sawdah b. Zamʿah was the only wife of the Messenger of Allah for four years: وتوفيت في آخر خلافة عمر ، وقد انفردت بصحبة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أربع سنين لا تشاركها فيه امرأة ولا سرية ، ثم بنى بعائشة بعد ... [Sawdah] died in the last year of ʿUmar’s caliphate, and for four years she was the only wife of the Prophet (S) where neither [free] woman nor bondmaid was partnered with her [in sharing a relationship with the Prophet (S)]…. This is just not a religious personality, but a complete personality. Abdul Muttalib, the grandfather of the Prophet, married Hala bint Uhayb, who was young then. Azimli, Mehmet, "Hz. Now we shall investigate A’yshah’s age at the moment of her betrothal by referring to historical documents and records: One of the things which may establish A’yshah’s age at the moment of her marriage with the Messenger of Allah is comparing her age with that of her sister Asma’ b. Abi Bakr [d. 73 A.H/692 C.E]. Does this, however, reflect reality? Unrecognized Email or Password, please try again. Islam establishes this practice. It is also worthwhile noting that the age of marriage in the Christian and Jewish faith is 12 years of age.Please brothers and sisters, do not be ashamed of anything that the Prophet SAS did. "The third (wife) is A'isha bint Abi Bakr. 2. ʿUthman (d. 748 A.H/1347 C.E). See: al-Bukhari al-Juʿfi, Muhammad b. Ismaʿil Abu ʿAbd Allah (d. 256 A.H/870 C.E), Sahih al-Bukhari, ed. Reference : Aayan al-Shia, Vol. Jamal ʿIytani (Dar al-Kutub al-ʿIlmiyah: Beirut, 1st Print, 1422 /2001), I: 331. He married Aisha in contract when she was twelve according to. I think it is wise to accept Aisha's age as 17 going by the information provided and hope our muslim scholars understand this . Amr ibn As, for instance, was 12 years older than his son Abdullah. He consummated the marriage when she was nine years old." I would suggest that you( the writer} educate yourself before lecture the others. because he was taking article in different way ! You give them the juice, you give them the knife to slougter us and then complain. The Prophet married her in Mecca when she was seven years old and he married no virgin except her. brother shoja, I only reminded my brother to fear Allah. Muhib al-Din Abi Saʿid ʿUmar b. Ghuramah al-ʿAmuri (Dar al-Fikr: Beirut, 1995): IX: 69. The IslamiCity site may occasionally contain copyrighted material the use of which may not always have been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. In order to have family relationship with the Prophet and thus further his close relation with God's Messenger, Umar ibn Khattab married Ali's daughter Umm Qulthum, and this marriage was not found strange at that time at all. This is sickening and disgusting. My proof is the western society today and the fact that it is suffering from all of these sicknesses because they followed their desires in running their affairs instead of following the order of their creator who knows what's best for them. In this situation, where it is not always possible to maintain a balanced view, various approaches have developed as an answer to Orientalists' claims, including those that choose to deny the reports or ignore the existence of other alternatives as a response to this view. Bukhari, Ta'bir, 21, Manakib al-Ansar, 44, Nikah, 9; Muslim, Fadail al-Sahaba, 79; Ibn Hanbal, Musnad, 6/41, 128. Al-Nawawi writes in his Tahdhib al-Asma’: وذكر أبو بكر بن أبي خيثمة في تاريخه عن ابن إسحاق أن عائشة أسلمت صغيرة بعد ثمانية عشر إنسانا ممن أسلم . See: al-Sanʿani al-Amir, Muhammad b. Ismaʿil (d. d. 852 A.H/1448 C.E). He says that she was only 9 years old when the Prophet Muhammad married her, while he was much older, and hence this was a pedophilic relationship (God forbid). c) Her stating that first it was mandatory to offer two cycles of obligatory prayer and that later it was changed to four cycles for residents, but that during military campaigns two cycles were performed [19]. Abu Naʿim al-Isfahani [d. 430 A.H/1038 C.E] in his Maʿrifat al-Sahabah writes that: أسماء بنت أبي بكر الصديق ... كانت أخت عائشة لأبيها وكانت أسن من عائشة ولدت قبل التأريخ بسبع وعشرين سنة. [1] The issue of Prophet Muhammad’s (ﷺ) marriage with nine-year old Aisha continues to be a primer in polemic talk on Islam. One of his arguments is about the age of Aisha, one of the Prophet’s wives. (Storytime) Omar Esa. 23. Click on these beautiful images & start exploring the theme/value behind it. Aisha, Ayesha, 'A'isha, or 'Aisha 1 (Arabic عائشه 'ā'isha, "she who lives") was a wife of the prophet Muhammad.Aisha was the daughter of the second leader of the Muslim community, Abu Bakr. Other things come later! Here, you will also find the links to the most visited sections of IslamiCity, such as Prayer times, Hijri Converter, Phonetic Search, Quran Section, IslamiCity Bazar and more. See: al-Dhahabi, Shams al-Din Muhammad b. Ahmad b. [20] [21] On one occasion she is reported to have been tired of Muhammad speaking of his first wife so often and said that Allah had replaced Khadijah with a better wife, referring to herself, for which Muhammad rebuked her. Kitab Fadha’il al-Sahabah [The Book of the Merits of the Companions], Bab Tazwij al-Nabi Khadijah wa Fadhliha radhi Allah ʿanha [Chapter on the Marriage of The Prophet to Khadijah and her Virtue[s] (may Allah be pleased with her)]. If you need a Login or Registeration, this is your starting point. consummated the marriage] in the second year of the Hijrah. For this reason, some say that she was a 13- or 14-year-old girl then [22]. See: Ibn Asakir al-Dimashqi al-Shafiʿi, Abi al-Qasim ʿAli b. al-Hasan b. Hibat Allah b. Bukhari, Fadail al-Qur'an, 6; Tafsir al-Sura, (54) 6; Ayni, Badruddin Abu Muhammad Mahmud ibn Ahmad, Umdat al-Qari Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari, Dar alIhya al-Turas al-Arabi, 20/21; Asqalani, Fath al-Bari, 11/291. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. And if a hadith is wrong based on miscomprehension, then which parts of the Koran are also wrong, seeing as it was preserved by oral tradition for decades before it was put down in writing (and into several DIFFERENT versions, at that). Allah is the Ultimate defender of our faith. Our themes mostly focus on the universal values such as compassion, patience, love and so on. Asma’ was a hundred years of age the day she died and she was born twenty-seven years before History [Hijrah]. According to this narration, the Messenger of Allah betrothed A’yshah in the thirteenth year of the Prophetic mission and officially wed her [i.e. In the month of Shawwal of the second year of the Hijrah (the year of her official wedding to the Prophet) she was nineteen years of age [17 + 2 = 19]. All Rights Reserved, IslamiCity ™ is a registered trademark of HADI, a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) organization. IT is said that Hazrat Aisha was six years old when her nikah was performed with Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah, and nine years old when she moved in to live with her husband in Madina after Hijra. ʿUmays al-Khathʿamiyah (the wife of Jaʿfar b. Abi Talib), Fatimah b. al-Khattab (the wife of Saʿid b. Zayd b. If you regularly visit this site and wish to show your appreciation, or if you wish to see further development of, please donate online. 1400 years, the moslems never doubted a thing that the prophet did! why prophet muhammad married aisha when she was only 9? Dear Yasmin, You wrote that its written in the Torah that any father who hasn't married his daughter at the age of twelve has dishonored her, Can you give the reference. 9. 139-144, 1995. Due to concerns about child marriage this topic is of heavy interest in the apologetic literature … AISHA (RA) NASHEED AT A SHIA WEDDING!!! This number, [however], is subject to change when we take into consideration her age when she converted to Islam. Related Suggestions MY take about this issue is if age was a factor during the time of the Prophets Muhammad's(PBUH) to Aisha, there would have been some objection from Muslims, or even the disbelievers using it to attack the Prophet. Ahl al-Sunnah insist on proving that A’yshah was betrothed to the Prophet Muhammad (S) at six years of age and that she entered his house at nine years [where the marriage was consummated]. Noting the above dates that for her to be 9 when married, then she was either born in the 4th, 5th or 6th year of Al Betha, that would make her either 0-2 years old when that verse was told. This is the responsibility of Muslims to clear the desks. Asma’ b. Abi Bakr al-Siddiq died on the year 73 [of the Hijrah], after her son ʿAbd Allah b. al-Zubayr [d. 73 A.H/692 C.E] by [only] a few nights. According to the prominent scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah, A’yshah became a believer during the first year of the Prophetic mission and was among the first eighteen people to have responded to the Messenger of Allah’s [divine] calling. See: al-Tabarani, Sulayman b. Ahmad b. Ayyub Abu al-Qasim (d. 360 A.H/970 C.E), al-Muʿjam al-Kabir, ed. This is especially in response to the Shia-Sunni split which saw the Shiite view condemning Aisha as a seductress and adulterous woman who was unfaithful to Muhammad before and after the wedding. so whats wrong with that? [and] she had [her full set of] teeth and she had not lost her intellect. وماتت بعده بأيام يسيرة سنة ثلاث وسبعين للهجرة وهي وأبوها وابنها وزوجها صحابيون قيل إنها عاشت مائة. Our arguments, no matter how well postulated, can overcome the distaste and aversion the enemies of Islam have against us. 5. For it is known that Aisha's sister Asma, who was born in 595, was 15 when she became a Muslim [11]. After Muhammad's death, which ended Aisha and Muhammad's 14-year-long marriage, Aisha lived fifty more years in and around Medina. [Ahl al-Sunnah] consider this to be evidence for A’yshah’s superiority over the other wives of the Messenger of Allah. Mirqat al-Mafatih Sharh Mishkat al-Masabih, ed. All the roads are going to Makkah and Madinah. We quote below from two such reports in Bukhari. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) made this request ten years after the beginning of the Revelation. Aisha ( ‘Ā’ishah, c. 613/614 –c. Books on Islam, Muslims, Prophet Muhammad(s), Ahlul Bayt. See: al-Nimri al-Qurtubi, Abu ʿUmar Yusuf b. 4. ʿAbd Allah (d. 430 A.H/1038 C.E), Maʿrifat al-Sahabah, VI: 3253, no. If we accept 618, then the year of birth would have been 610; this event alone makes it impossible for her to have been 9 when she married. See: al-Ansari al-Shafiʿi, Siraj al-Din Abi Hafs ʿUmar b. She was married to the prophet for nine years and five months and she was the only virgin he married. Ibn Abi al-Zannad said [that Asma’] was older than ʿA’yshah by ten years. © 1995 - 2020 IslamiCity. This section is more for the technologically minded. #8525 Asma’ b. Abi Bakr al-Siddiq married al-Zubayr b. al-ʿAwwam who was one of the great Sahabah. Ibn Hajar al-ʿAsqalani [d. 852 A.H/1448 C.E] writes: 8525 أسماء بنت أبي بكر الصديق زوج الزبير بن العوام من كبار الصحابة عاشت مائة سنة وماتت سنة ثلاث أو أربع وسبعين. According to this conclusion, A’yshah married the Prophet in the fourth year of the Hijrah (i.e. Here is some supporting evidence that making a natural thing (Marrying at the age of puberty) illegal will not stop teenangers from having sex. According to Sunni scriptural Hadith sources, Aisha was six or seven years old when she was married to Muhammad with the marriage not being consummated until she had reached puberty at the age of nine or ten years old. What we seem to see is that the age of Aisha grows younger as hadiths and commentaries expand later on. See: Mulla ʿAli al-Qari, ʿAli b. Sultan Muhammad al-Harawi. Dr. ʿUmar ʿAbd al-Salam Tadmuri (Dar al-Kutub al-ʿArabi: Beirut, 1st print, 1407/1987), III: 288. Since girls at that age are not fully mature either physically, emotionally, or psychologically, we know it is wrong for a man, regardless of his age, to engage a child in sexual relations. Her alleged young age has been used in smear campaigns against the Prophet. But hardly there is any information about Aisha’s childhood years. ʿAli Muhammad al-Bajawi (Dar al-Jil: Beirut, 1st Print, 1412/1992), VII: 487. These are offered as a means for IslamiCity to stimulate dialogue and discussion in our continuing mission of being an educational organization. If he did it, then it is the RIGHT thing, it is revelation from Allah. © Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project 1995-2020. I am for it (no doubt). Asma’ was the sister of ʿA’yshah from her father’s [side] and she was older than ʿA’yshah where she was born twenty-seven years before History [Hijrah]. Otherwise, were we to attempt to evaluate historical events within today's conditions, we should remember that we are fated to make mistakes. Savaş, Rıza, D. E. U. İlahiyat Fak. [Asma’] was older than her sister ʿA’yshah by ten years and she died ten days after the killing of her son…she was a hundred years of age and her teeth had not fallen out and she did not lose a thing of her intellect. 1. And she [herself], her father, her son and husband were Sahabis. We feature each theme with a beautiful image. It is also believed that Khadija was 40 years old when the prophet married her at 25.. We only know the ages of Aïsha and Khadija from the Hadiths, and no other external source corroborates this information. The consummation of their marriage took place a few years later after the migration to Medina when A'isha was nine years old. If anyone read Quran and then reject it, then there is nothing which can convince someone. Comparing the Age of A’yshah with the Age of Asma’ b. Abi Bakr, The Difference in Age Between Asma’ and A’yshah, Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Husayni al-Qazwini. Beautiful article for the first time I have read such an informative article . We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Asma’ was ten years older than A’yshah. لها سن ولم ينكر لها عقل وقال أبو نعيم الأصبهاني ولدت قبل الهجرة بسبع وعشرين سنة. In the following article we will investigate this matter. In todays world human minds are so much corrupted and dirty that they don't respect what the Prophet was and his way of life . How Old Was A’yshah When She Married The Prophet Muhammad? We'd love it if your icon is always green. When covering the life of the Prophet Muhammad, one of the most debatable topics is that of the age of his wife Aisha when the two married. This is the most beautiful article. Subul al-Salam Sharh Bulugh al-Maram min Adilat al-Ahkam, ed. From what has been related by other prominent [scholars] of Ahl al-Sunnah, we can [also] conclude that the Prophet wed A’yshah during the fourth year of the Hijrah. [Second], she said: “he married me three years after her [death] and [third], his Lord (Exalted is He!) Therefore, A’yshah was four years old during the first year of the Prophetic mission [14 – 10 = 4] and as such, she was seventeen years of age during the thirteenth year of the Prophetic mission [4 + 13 = 17]. Moreover, this is not a matter just related to girls; boys were also married at ages 8, 9 and 10 and they became the head of a family at an age that is perceived as very young today [6]. For this reason, this subject was not made a current issue for discussion until very recently. You will need to follow the instructions in that message in order to gain full access to the site. Very informative article .This has ultimately solved the problem that Prophet(pbuh) married a young girl . Now Iam having peace of mind after reading this article . If a person has a sexual desire, which is most intense during the age of puberty, then he/she will go to their spouse to alleviate that desire.If the person is not married then he/she will resort to forbidden and dangerous acts such as masturbation or homosexuality or taking a boy/girlfriend. I would suggest that you( the writer} educate yourself before lecture the others. Taha ʿAbd al-Ra’uf Saʿd (Dar al-Jil: Beirut, 1st Print, 1411/1990), II: 92. If it is assumed that Aisha was born four years after the mission, it has to be accepted that she had not yet been born, so it is not possible to talk about a marriage agreement under these circumstances. Early life [edit | edit source]. See: al-ʿAyni, Badr al-Din Abu Muhammad Mahmud b. Ahmad al-Ghaytabi (d. 855 A.H/1451 C.E), ʿUmdat al-Qari Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari (Dar Ihya’ al-Turath al-ʿArabi: Beirut (n.d)), II: 93. Religious personality, but a complete personality [ Hijrah ] so we can educate people and propagate Islam & the... Possibility, she was born 5-6 years before history [ Hijrah ] al-Nabawiyah, ed Abu..., Efendimiz'in Bir GUnU, Isık Yayınları, Istanbul, pp two of....: al-Nimri al-Qurtubi, Abu Bakr from Allah acquiring knowledge of the revelation Allah b to stimulate dialogue and in. Refers to the age of Aisha will do for any moslem and practice Islam sincerely, and world! ( ‘ Ā ’ ishah, c. 613/614 –c full access to the age of Aisha, the Prophet (. Iv: 1782-1783 arguments, no matter how well postulated, can overcome the distaste and aversion the of! The early days of Islam al-Hasan b. Hibat Allah b الحافظ أبي نعيم قال ولدت قبل... 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